Showing posts with label Banned From Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Banned From Facebook. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2021

Facebook Restricted x2!

                  Yeah I have had my share of problems with the platform recently and quite frankly not been in a good mood since last night and honestly getting more and more frustrated with the platform and starting to wonder if I still wanna be a part of this platform and to be honest it's not easy because if I left Facebook then Jim and Billy would be left but let me explain what has been going on with me:

Restricted From Streaming: Not once but twice I have been restricted from streaming on the platform and I cannot stream right from the website so that's sounding like some kind of bug but also I got locked out of my account as someone is trying to get in but I have 2 factor authentication on and other ways to login. So something is going on with the website to be quite honest. I will be trying to stream through OBS when my 30 day ban is up at the end of September. 

30 Day Ban from Posting On Facebook: Really this is the second 30 day ban this year which really puts a damper on me being able to post and I am so thankful to have Jim on board to help  and relay any updates from my Twitter and/or Instagram and Billy to keep things at bay and that it doesn't get out of control and I don't think it will with 26 - 27 members in the group and if you wanna be a part of it it is on the right hand side near the top bar where the logos are. 

                    I know a lot of you guys are wondering what happening with that situation so I had to explain what is going on. I will not go into all the details of what happened but Jim and Billy are both there if you guys need anything or have any questions. Both of the guys can communicate with me through IM since I am not blocked from sending messages to and receiving em from my Management and Moderation Team so please feel free to message em if you got any questions whatsoever with content they are there to help. I will still be on Twitter and Instagram and will answer DM's but that is today's post, have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday! 


Sunday, March 14, 2021

I Don't Understand This Facebook Ban!

               As you know I am currently serving a 30 day ban and as I call it I am in Facebook Jail and I have time to think about it and I do not regret getting mouthy yet I do not get the fact how calling someone an Irrelevant B Word is bullying and to be honest its just me being mouthy and I should of not gotten a ban cause I only sent the one comment that's it but it is what it is honestly and I got 24 - 25 days left in my ban before you guys will be seeing me around the Facebook Community again. As for the 30 bans, I think is too much to be honest. My last ban was 1 week and now they jump from 1 week to 30 bans... I just don't get it, I'd thought it'd be 2 weeks then 3 weeks then a month but I guess not, now I am banned for the 30 days. Maybe a break from posting is what I need and honestly is one of the reasons from absence from the day to day operations is because of this but like I said I am still on Twitter and Instagram.

                There has been moments where I was wondering why I am still on the website and to be honest, I have considered leaving the website but that leaves what happens to the Facebook Page and this means that Charlotte would be running the Facebook Page and I wouldn't have anyway to actually keep in touch with you guys to be honest. So this is why I am going to serve my 30 days and just going to watch my P's and Q's as I said I do not understand one little screw up and I get thrown in the Sin Bin for 30 days. When I do return I will be behaving cause you guys cannot afford to lose me again because 30 days are a long time. Anyways I hope you guys this bonus blog post and was indeed a surprise for you guys and I will be back on Tuesday as our resident Site Admin will be back tomorrow with a weekly blog post.
