Today's post I am going to talk about two different microphones I have used and which one I preferred to use. For those who didn't know I started out with the dynamic microphone back when I still on which no longer exists actually but that is when I started using microphones. The first microphone I had originally was dynamic but was a Radio Shack, followed by the Audio Technica Pro 31 Mic. Mind you it was a great start to the podcasting world and that microphone I still got an used quite often when guests are in the studio. One thing about that mic is, it has different settings then the condenser but it depends on the guest behind that particular microphone. Anyways the sound is completely different and it is hard to explain to you guys the quality but there is a complete difference in the quality. OK, let me break it down so you can understand. The Dynamic microphones are hooked up to the mixer as it has a 3.5mm stereo jack compare to the condenser which is completely different from the dynamic if that makes any sense to you guys. Don't get me wrong the dynamic is the way to start with podcasts or broadcasting if you if you are on a small budget like I was and I am still on a small budget, just saving up helps but the dynamic costed me around 70 - 75 dollars.
Now moving onto the condenser which yes it does costs money, around 200 bucks later but again quality which is well worth it for the price of the microphone. Yes it was a bit of a learning curve, especially when my voice echoed at the start but that is when I figured I had to get a wind sock which you guys have seen on it many times in the past in pictures I have posted on both Instagram and Twitter from time to time. The cable end to the condenser is different obviously as I had to make sure when i bought this mixer that it had phantom power for the condenser to work. However that is besides the point but the sound is really different from the dynamic but as a listener, you probably cannot notice but least quality is good. Which mic do I really prefer to use? Well that is a hard question to answer, as I love both my mics which is ironic both are Audio Technica products, you can say honestly i vouch by the brand. However in the end, I have grown to love my condenser microphone and getting use to it now and the quality it has given me over the last 1.5 years, so I guess my condenser microphone is my pick, however microphone is a microphone and it does the job for a reason but it is quality over quantity honestly.