Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Degrassi Reboot Cancelled

                I know this is now old news but I haven't had a chance to talk about this but Degrassi had a reboot that was cancelled by HBO Max. Now it was a big shocker to hear this news especially knowing they were taping episodes already and that is now on hold. I was looking up everything on the series being cancelled and according to a newspaper here locally in Toronto for us that production is on hold as of right now. I am not sure what this means for the franchise if it will be picked up by another network or streaming service but will have to wait and see. 

                   I am very, very disappointed in the service cancelled after confirming that their was going to be a reboot and now I do not even know what the plan for that series whether they are going to find another series or it's done, done. I kind of feel like it's done done as I am wondering by the time they get another streaming service the cast will have grown up and moved on. That is what happened with Next Class. However time will tell and I am not for one happy on the move HBO made cancelling the series but it is what it is in the end and hope the executive producers find another streaming service soon. That is my post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, January 16, 2023

Letter To Larry Slow To Arrive!

                   Well, a week and a half ago, I sent a letter with information pertaining to the collab which I have no problem with saying what it is as you know this is an ongoing project. Anyways, what I was told it never showed and this is a week and a half but you have to remember this is normal mail not express mail to sending things to him whatsoever. So it is strange but maybe it came on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday and I should of told him about that inbound to his place. 

              If it didn't show up then, then snail mail and I reminded myself regular mail is slower especially since holidays have only been over a few weeks now and I will know when it arrives I'm sure he will be sure to tell me and let me know that it actually arrived. You would think it'd arrive as technically it is only one town over so it really should of actually not taken that long to arrive to the next town over but if it hasn't arrived then it is still in transit to his place. I'm more worried I put the return address too big and his not big enough but we'll see. However that is the post for today and I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Friday, January 13, 2023

End of The Week Updates [01-13-2023]

            Another week has come to an and time for some updates. It's been a long week for us, lost two staff this year already but Chloe has signing an long term agreement with the team and we signed it online. It's a long explanation but here are the updates:

Website: With Chloe back in the reigns, we've actually updated the "Staff" page. I know it is becoming too much to constantly and we rarely post an update but it is updated that is what is most important.

Entertainment Man Podcast: I am still looking for interviews and not sure but Entertainment Man Podcast hasn't gotten any views lately on Matchmaker and not sure if my podcast is showing up in the results and I've considered contacting em cause the profile should be showing up regardless. 

Power Rangers Collab: This week was about me watching and getting notes done so we can actually have a podcast and that is the goal this weekend to get it finished both seasons. Also I have come up with an idea to post on social media a clip of the upcoming podcast to give you guys an idea what the new format will be. Also the entire finish Power Rangers Season by end of July for Cosmic Fury, 30th Anniversary Reunion and Quantum Continuum, well it was green lit by my other Executive Producer he said it was a great goal to have. So we're gonna try to get it all done in the first 7 months so the schedule could change down the road after February. I will have to talk to him about a schedule that he never received in the mail... lol... First time that happened. A blog for Monday that's for sure.

              Anyways those are the updates for this week, I hope you have a great weekend and I will be sure to tell that story about the mail that never arrived at Larry's but hopefully it gets there next week but I will talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, January 12, 2023

This Year Is Starting Out Slower....

          I've changed the topic of this blog 3 times now cause I was unhappy with the bloody topic. Now the title has been changed 4 times now and probably by the end of me typing this up, it'll be 5 or 6 more times or more. However I am rambling. This year is starting out a little slower then last year as last year I jumped right out of the gate with interviews and I haven't had any interview requests as of yet. That's OK cause it gives me time to work on the collab.

          However last year, I jumped right out of the gate with interviews. I am trying to compare how I did things a year ago to now. Maybe I didn't open up interviews early enough right after Christmas? Maybe I closed em too early perhaps and it's turned people off. I do not think it is the last one cause I really think through and very strategically with this website. I am always thinking about stuff and one step ahead of everything which as Monk would say it's a gift and a curse. With that extra time though, I can actually get the collab finished for end of the month and work on other collabs for the future. Larry has no idea what I am up to right now. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Deconstructing Buildings on Minecraft!

            My nephew likes the old format where you go upstairs so I have started to deconstruct the buildings I have including my house. So I am going way back in time where I began this journey a long time ago. I plan on having the animals at the lower but the top half not sure how I will be building it to fit it all on the top half so I may just be removing all of my building minus the steps going down to the caves below and the rest torn down so I can rebuild it.

           However I do not know what I will do for the top that is a question and a half. The old garden centre is partially dismantled and put in grass where the stone was and is going to be the new bee sanctuary. The old one will be torn down all together. Trees have been torn down as well, just wanted to make more room and maybe one day trees will be a thing on there again down the road perhaps. I have to finish moving the horse to their temporary pens and there will be a blazing inferno on the old barn after all the hard work, it's now a thing of the past. Maybe my niece can build her house on the top perhaps or I can build numerous buildings perhaps who knows. I could really change things up with it. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

15 Years Since My First Series Ended!

             It has been 15 years since my first series, Durham Entertainment Today ended. As you know there is no recollection of the series, we did not save anything from the original series that we did from 2005 - 2008. Reason behind it was because of non stop drama behind the scenes and I decided it was best to just stop. Kind of same way the other series you guys hear me talk about The Entertainment Man Talk Show as well. 

          However 15 years, where has the years gone. This year alone will be 18 years in Online Media. so you can tell almost 3 years with the project at the start before I ended up giving up on it all together. Feels like yesterday I was doing all these web series that I was creating with Eric and them. I remember the night we were going at it with one another and I know he would tell me to not dwell in the past but I remember blocking him a few times this is when he had MSN Messenger which is now a thing of the past for us as  it doesn't exist no more. I can say this: we have all matured from the early years and I am making the right decisions for me in the end. Anyways that is my post, I will talk to you all tomorrow.




Monday, January 9, 2023

Power Rangers Collab, The CBOTW Show Big Plans!

             The goals for this week are pretty simple as this week a lot has to be done honestly. So far without any interviews scheduled yet on the podcast, gives me that extra time to work on the goals for this week. Anyways here is the goals:

End of January 2023: Collaboration Podcast- Power Rangers: Dino Charge & Power Rangers Super Dino Charge

March 2023: Collaboration Podcast- Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Super Ninja Steel

May 2023: The CBOTW Show- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (1995) & Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)

June 2023: Collaboration Podcast- Power Rangers Beast Morphers Seasons 1 & 2

July 2023: Collaboration Podcast- Power Rangers Dino Fury Seasons 1 & 2  (Tentative, if we get it done in time, we can slip it in there)

October 2023: Collaboration Podcast- Power Rangers Dino Fury Seasons 1 & 2 (Alternative Day)

              If we can get these done faster pace which I have a very strange feeling that we will get it done at a faster pace, we will have some extra time off to prep for Cosmic Fury and the 30th anniversary plans and what not, including Quantum Continuum. I wanted to update you guys on the plans and you see The CBOTW Show is semi in there but as we go on, I will keep you guys in the loop but for right now I will talk to you all tomorrow!
