Friday, February 15, 2019

Am I Excited For Everything About Reality TV's 10th Season?

            So am I excited for Everything About Reality TV's 10th Season starting tonight? Of course I am and I know you are tired of hearing me talk about the podcast but got so many tons of updates and stuff happening for the website this week as this week has been a very busy week for me to get things done. However I am really am excited to be at this point of the podcast where I am now at my 10th season of covering "Reality TV" and I am quite proud of myself for not giving up and continuing on for this length of time. If you remember this podcast started up almost 2.5 years ago on Audio ONLY but all together almost 3.5 and it is continuously growing constantly, each and every week from the different networks the podcast is on which is now counted at 12 different networks now which is overwhelming and I should start searching around to see if any other network picked it up. It still feels like this podcast just started it's journey and it has been only 2.5 years now so the podcast is fairly young still. I didn't think the 10th season would come this quickly but remember 3 - 4 seasons a year so the numbers do add up in the end. The next point I am going to make is that episode # 200 is coming up and very quickly and like I said on social media, there is no plans for anything special as I am already spoke to Justin, Dave and Larry and made it official that I would not be doing anything special for that and I want to do the important milestones like the 500th which we are far from coming. 

             Either way or, I am excited as two big things going to happen this season. I know I originally planned to do 2 Big Brother Canada Recaps a week but kind of backed out of the idea for this year, however as I was glancing over the number of downloads per episode as the number is extraordinary I have re considered and there will be 2 Big Brother Canada Recaps and the Survivor Recap which will equal 3 recaps a week! Since this is indeed the 10th Season and I know it is not the last season either, it is "Go Big or Go Home" Season for me. I am ready to push myself to the fullest and continue on growing this podcast. This is why I am adding the 2 Big Brother Recaps, mid week and late week as well.  Either way it will be an amazing 10th Season!


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