Oshawa Rib Fest and Food Review 2019

Yesterday I went to the Oshawa Rib Fest 2019 which I haven't been to in several years as it use to be around the long weekend aka the Labor Day Weekend. However with this change recently it makes it easier for us to decide to go to the event. Now we originally were going to go to two different places but with the amount of food we had we decided to not go for it this time around and I will get right into it as I go forward with this post today. So we went to Pistol Petes for the ribs which is from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA. Now these ribs were not Pork ribs, these were actually Beef Ribs that we had. I admit it was my idea technically but was worth the idea. So like I said we were suppose to do two different places, however we ended up getting half a rack which was plenty enough for us to eat but we are going to change that next year and I will talk about it shortly. Also on top of the half a rack we got a thing of beans on top of that. Now the ribs were tasty and fell apart as you bit into the ribs. Yes I know Beef ribs are more chewier then Pork ribs are but still very tasty. The sauce wasn't spicy and it almost had a bit of a sweet taste to it technically. Now I would definitely give the ribs a 5 out of 5 all day long. However the beans itself, I wasn't really keen on as I have never had beans with red peppers in it before. However the fact they also had kidney beans in it, still good, but it wasn't my favorite beans so I am going to be generous with this review an give it a 3 out of 5 as the beans were tender and I liked the Kidney beans that were added into it.

After we ate we even grabbed a smoothie which was really good but it wasn't overly cool, not sure if they put in ice but it don't seem like it so again that would be a 3 out of 5 if I was to review it but it really isn't much of a review honestly. So we walked around after looked at what there was and there was entertainment which they were playing Elvis songs, "Jail House Rock" being one of them and also "Do You Love Me?" by the Contours originally and was featured on Dirty Dancing movie originally. Also the Generals booth was also there as well probably promoting their upcoming season which I am going to be planning on several games this upcoming year. Overall the event was good however their was 2 more rib vendors 4 or 5 years ago then there was this year so I would give it a 4 out of 5 for the overall event and yes I am being quite generous actually.
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