- Platform Wise- We are staying Audio ONLY as the team think it is the best move even from the Producer's standpoint, meaning Executive Producer and Senior Producer that do all the Behind the Scenes prep for the podcasts and shows you hear on a regular basis. It isn't going to work now with Survivor on hold and Big Brother 22 in limbo, it isn't seen right to try and open up a channel and it is really just unknown and we're better where we are.
- Larry: He has been named the Podcasts Senior Producer as he also is the Co-Founder of the Podcast. but he has a bit more of a say with the behind the scenes decisions for platforms etc with the shows that we put on. Also he helped me decide which shows to put into a temporary archive for the time being which are Survivor and Amazing Race are on hiatus till next year so it is in a temporary archive at the moment.
- Other Hosts: On top of hosting their own shows which I will address in a moment, but they will get full reign of their shows, they get to produce and host their own shows. In no way shape or form will Larry or I will be involved which they will be responsible for their own shows. They will have to follow our guidelines for shows which is a guide for them and I know they got no problem with that.
Now the shows is the next questions you may ask is who is hosting what with the podcasts? Well here is the list of who is hosting what and what shows still need to be filled eventually:
Shows & Hosts:
Survivor: Billy
Big Brother U.S: Chris (Reality Teas)
Tough As Nails: Chris, Executive Producer
The Simpsons: Chris, Executive Producer
Power Rangers: Host: Chris, Executive Producer; Co-Host: Larry, Senior Producer
Shows That Are Open And Looking For Hosts:
Big Brother Canada
Amazing Race (Will Be Hosting Amazing Race Canada as well)
Amazing Race Canada (Will Be Hosting Amazing Race as well)
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