Friday, November 11, 2022

End of The Week Updates [11-11-2022]

                 Well another week has come to an end and time for some updates:

Website: Made some changes to the "Team" page as again the team keeps changing constantly and quite frankly I am tired of the constant changes to the website and the team at this moment. 

Facebook: It is no secret that I am currently on my 5th or 6th ban on the website, I may be exaggerating on the amount of bans I have on FB but I cannot post to the Fan Page and I wish I had Sophie on as a Manager or Admin where she could of transferred power to Mark as Sophie quit for the second and final time. So the time being he's in charge and I certainly don't plan on returning to the community anytime. Just fed up of the drama and toxicity. Maybe I will not return but we'll see. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: I have to prep interview notes for Tuesday plus this weekends podcast which is not done yet plus work on a certain collab but Entertainment Man Podcast prep comes first then recording Sunday's episode then the interview then I will be moving over to the collab which I will continue below:

Power Rangers Collab: Now before I edit Entertainment Man Podcast for a week Sunday, I have to get the collab done first. I know things seem a little twisted but it will work out in the end don't worry that we get to recording on time as normally scheduled.

            Anyways I am rambling right now and that is the update for the week, have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday!



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