Friday, January 6, 2023

End of The Week Updates [01-06-2023]

            Hi everyone!

             This is still the first "End of The Week Updates" as I am filling in for Chris has he is now on a roll with content and moving quickly on things. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas & New Years! Here are the updates: 

Website: Chris has removed Mark off the website Team page and added me into the team page. He teased on New Years Eve with an silhouette till the morning of New Years when I replaced it with my bio. Also CBOTW Live has been removed off the YouTube Page as it is no longer active anymore. He also added a gaming channel that is now listed here on the website as a side thing for fun and he posts twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. He will be starting that next week. Also the Team Page is now called Staff and can be found on moving forward.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Small note if you have something to promote and wanna come on as a guest on the podcast as a guest to email his podcast email: Also reminder the first episode of the season comes out Sunday, January 8th, 2023 @ 1 pm EST on YouTube & all Audio ONLY Platforms!

Power Rangers Collab: Today he is back to work on the collab today as he finished up everything else that needed to be done on his list so this afternoon he's working on Dino Charge ep 2 and on. He hope to finish up to ep 10 - 12 by tonight so by end of the weekend he will be done the entire season. Then he can start on Super Dino Charge next. 

             Those are the updates for the week, Chris apologizes for no post but again he has been very, very busy person with content and dealing with IRL drama and he will be back Monday for another post. However I am doing one more post tomorrow on what the plan is with The CBOTW Show as he didn't explain much to you guys on it so I will explain myself and he's given me notes to go by. Until tomorrow,

CBOTW Management Team

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