Saturday, May 11, 2024

End of The Week Updates [05-11-2024]

                This is my final end of the week updates for 2 weeks as Chris has given me next week off from the blog and plus there will not be a lot of updates to be given that week as he's away half of the week and I wish him a safe travel and to have a good time. So to the updates, Chris has finished up all the recordings and finishing up editing the podcast editing for the next 2 weeks till he's back and ready to get back into recording new episodes. He isn't booking any new interviews right now till he gets back and settled back in and sounds like start of June for him to start back up with interviews again.

                The Discord server continues to flourish and grow and is always busy and active especially with my best friend, Brooke as an intern with ChrisBOnTheWeb Media who's help Chris, Larry and I run the server. Also the Facebook Group has returned and is active as well as ever can be which is great to see. Chris will be back in about 2 weeks from today for streaming and excited to catch back up with you all with the streams again on weekends. Finally, he plans on working on The CBOTW Show for future episodes before he leaves for Quebec on Wednesday this upcoming week and going to see how much he can get done. So there are the updates for the week, I will be monitoring the socials, email and Discord as always if you have any questions as Chris will be away, he's left me in charge and I will speak to you all 2 weeks from now. 

Kelsie, COO of ChrisBOnTheWeb Media

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