Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Happy 6th Anniversary The CBOTW Show!

             I know The CBOTW Show has had it's history of going on and off the air a ton and we struggled to keep it afloat and on the air. However so proud of it's successes and how much we have grown so much as a podcast even with it every other week on our schedule. When we started this, we had two podcasts listed: Music City on CMT Channel & of course Power Rangers as well then it went off air in 2019 and didn't try and return till 2021 for a short time till it was put on the shelf indefinitely up to this year when it was brought back 2 years, 2 months later in 2023 when Larry and I relaunched.

             We just finished off recently Power Rangers and now has been a thing of the past as we've both moved on from that. It has been interesting the transition from that series to other movies and TV series honestly. I am very content with what we have going for the podcasts moving forward especially on it's new schedule starting July 5th, 2024. Anyways that is the blog post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


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