Another stressful and chaotic week once again and one update I can give you guys is Chris hasn't started Dino Fury as everything else going on right now but he's going to spend hours watching the show this weekend on a really long binge of the shows in order to get them done hopefully by Tuesday so sounds like there will be no time off, the studio will be operating on Family Day 2024 up here in Ontario Canada. Which is fine really, if he has to, he has to and I've reminded him and knows to spend time with his parents. He's possibly going to be getting tickets for the Generals game with his parents but on a wait list so fingers crossed as he loves the OHL (Ontario Hockey League) games.
Anyhow, we're currently working on editing this weekends episode and helping Chris out with that so we can move on to that bigger step as he really, really wants to actually get it done and he's known for getting a show done in a couple of days and can most definitely do that again especially with his new method now, anything is actually possible. There is no other updates but he will be streaming this weekend a few times, Saturday (tomorrow) at 1 pm EST with a just chatting stream and Sunday at 1 pm EST for a gaming stream and I will speak to you guys next week.