Sunday, February 11, 2018

Favorite Events, I Have Been To!

             There has been many events, I have enjoyed going to, even with events that I do not even go to anymore that made this list of events, I really enjoyed going to but didn't go back due to circumstances. 

             The very first event, would be the event, I have been going for many years minus 2015 & 2017 due to certain circumstances those two years but 2018 is to be promising, especially this year which has been already very productive with 2 collaboration requests, 1 collab with a friend of mine, an interview with a friend as well. Lots to promote at Autism Celebration this year, so I will be back at the event this year! 

             Second event, I have been going to for many years, even before this online media journey even started, I am talking about The Royal Winter Fair. I only missed one out of all the years as I got to the fair and I got really ill to a point I had to go home early, which I was disappointed by but I've gone to the Royal every year since that one bad year with having the flu.

              My 3rd event I love going to is the old 50s festival which is now named something else apparently but we don't go to it, due to the fact it is on the weekend of fathers day and my dad is normally busy with going to golfing on the Saturday and watches the PGA (U.S. Open Golf Tournament) we are unable to go but some years, they place it earlier, so we get the chance to actually go to it.

             Very next event, I have to put on this list is the Polish/Ukrainian Festival, we've gone every year minus those 2 years of constant rain each and every year, ending up doing our own Polish/Ukrainian festival with the food. Love going to this event each and every year and wouldn't miss it for the world!

             Finally on my list is the Tyrone Parade of lights, gone every year, minus 1 - 2 years due to either forgetting the parade of lights with the tractors were on or it was based on the bad weather once again. in the recent years I've gone to it minus this year's as it runs on my birthday, so I will not be going but will go again next year for sure.

             Well there you have it, my list of events I really enjoyed or do enjoy going to each and every year, I'm sure there are some I would like to add but it would make this post way to long for you guys to read but these are the basic ones I've gone to and enjoy going to and will be back to it this year,

Have a great afternoon!


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