Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Lawn Mower Scene on The Entertainment Man Talk Show Real or Fake (Throwback Thursday Story)

               I know this post will make little sense at the start as it is a Throwback Thursday Story but also a scene on the former web series, was it a real when I was cursing at the lawn mower when it didn't start? Well first of all this was towards the end of Season 2 of The Entertainment Man Talk Show the final several episodes before EP # 50. Anyways we rolled the camera officially and of course the stupid Lawn Mower wouldn't start. Technically both Eric and I had the mower running before we had rolled the camera so maybe the fact we didn't prime the engine enough could of had the factor or we left the mower too long without starting it up again, we will never know but yes I was cursing like a sailor and I think it was my fault for making sure the thing starts back up again so that could of been the issue from the get go or the lawn mower just being stubborn as this actually was the first start of the year so that could of been the issue. Plus it was an old start, cold start kind of video for you guys and those do not always go as planned. Gotta warm up the engine first, obviously! 

                Now I know what you guys will say, Chris this was completely fake, not real whatsoever. Well what I said above it the truth! It was an old start, cold start and honestly I was just very frustrated with the lawn mower not starting back up, so it was actually very much real not fake, it was just pure frustration I was having and we all have it from time to time and that's OK to have but we just gotta deal with the situations of life and move on. It was a crazy day for me and funny as the views really proved that it was entertaining to you guys seeing me cursing and freakin out at the mower... Starting to wonder if to continue re-posting my old videos onto my DailyMotion account for you guys as I think you guys enjoyed it and seems like you really are enjoying it. Anyways that is my throwback Thursday story for this week, hope you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next blog post!


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