Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Changes!

              Tonight is going to be a busy from watching Big Brother 21 to actually going on the air to actually on at 910 pm EST! I am very excited to be back to live broadcasts and i actually am excited even if I do not get many listeners but I will be promoting it through tonight's podcast as I am posting up The Amazing Race Canada at 9 pm EST but also I will end up live so I can see about bringing in my listeners in if they would like to see me in the live setting of a podcast. So I can definitely bring in listeners if I mention it and eventually people will notice the channel but you guys can follow the channel at It will definitely be great to get back into the grind to actually stream the podcast again. Now the schedule will be changing a tad and I needed to explain the schedule so this is why I am doing this post. So here is the new schedule and have to update the website schedule eventually:

Wednesdays: 9 pm EST: Amazing Race Canada 7 RECAP (Audio ONLY)
                        9:10 PM EST: Big Brother 21 RECAP (Live On Twitch.TV!)

Thursdays: 9 pm EST: Big Brother 21 RECAP (Audio ONLY)

               There is the schedule and I think by the week after the 10th we are switching over to Thursday Nights for the live podcast as the schedule for Big Brother will be moving over days but there will be another blog post when I am switching over days but it will be after I get back as tomorrow is the last day I am here before I am off on my East Coast USA adventure. Obviously you wanna know what is staying Audio ONLY and on Video for eality TV Shows, so here it is again since i am really making this happen:

Video and On Audio ONLY:

Big Brother
Big Brother Canada
Celebrity Big Brother

Audio ONLY:

Amazing Race
Amazing Race Canada
Music City on CMT

                 A lot of changes that has been changed over the course of the last couple of days and change is good but I just gotta get my sleep schedule re adjusted and then I will be good to go one way or another I will be happy with all of these changes.  I literally changed the title of this at least 10 times while writing it this morning.


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