Thursday, November 28, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Will Be On A Break After Season 12 Till End of January!

               No I am not joking around with the title of this post... No I am not quitting yet again, I am more putting my podcast on a break at the end of December into January and towards the end of the month of January. Why you may ask? I just have made a decison to take a break from this podcast but it will be short lived as by the time the last week of January hits I should be back to normal with an off season podcast and I honestly hope to have at least 2 of them out at the most during the break before the preview podcast for Survivor 40 comes out for you guys. So the Everything About Reality TV Podcast feed will be quiet but that doesn't mean anything I will be still on Punk Rock Cheeseburger and I am sure there will be a collaboration podcast sometime there as long as I am back in my regular studio setting. I think I have been burnt out as I have been going non stop all year long but there is plenty of podcasts to do still. As of next year I will have covered 10 seasons of Survivor, 8 seasons of Big Brother Canada and 1 - 2 seasons of Big Brother US which that will change come summer 2020. Also it will be 6 seasons for Amazing Race US and 5 seasons of Amazing Race Canada that I have covered. So this podcast isn't going anywhere anytime soon. 

               This break will be good for me to get my energy back up and raring to go but with this break will come with me getting off season plans ready to go for the off season phase of the podcast as I still like to have it on the air between all the seasons but yes it is not as often as you guys would like but at least it is definitely great that you guys are going to be getting an episode at least a week at a time. However with the break there is still a ton of work to be done in the way of re doing the off season podcasts notes which as you know when I announced the end of the podcast, I destroyed all the information and boy that was not the smartest move I ever made really. But with re-doing them all, I might end up coming up with new ideas so that will definitely be a bonus. When the studio is back in order and everything is back in place I will have to check the off season Podcast file to see what I have and not have and brain storm ideas as of right now I cannot access the blue container that has past season notes right now which is pretty much buried at the moment so there is no way I can grab that blue container but maybe Larry can help me grab it and bring it up to my room so I can start working on some off season stuff but right now I am only going to be doing up to 2 before the start of Season 13. So I am taking a break and if you need to contact me during the time off, you can always hit me up on social media between December 20th, 2019 and around January 20th, 2020.


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