Sunday, November 17, 2019

Inspired To Do Something That I Should of Kept Doing!

          Yesterday, I got inspired to do something that I thought I wouldn't do in the time since the announcement of Everything About Reality TV, you can tell something is up as now I have a poll on both the Facebook Fan Page and Twitter if you guys want to vote, YOUR VOTE counts to it returning! Yes You GUYS the fans been emailing up the wall about it returning I know majority of the platforms the podcast is no longer on half the platforms but one of the platforms that I never thought about being on is IHeartRadio which is amazing! I never thought my podcast would ever get on that platform and nor I never requested it! It just got picked up actually. I kind of been feeling this was going to happen where you guys were going to request it to come back after the 12th season so thank-you! You GUYS asked for it and it is coming! Season 13 is coming soon to a Computer or Device near you! Now the plan right now is to just finish this season first then decided whats next and right now there is no set schedule as of right now for the next season as the follow I do know and don't know:

Amazing Race 32- Could compete against Survivor 40 or it could be in May like it was last year but by New Year, we should know a ton more information.

Survivor 40- All Winners Season- No secret it is all past winners coming back to fight for the title once again and I am thrilled the podcast is back for another season especially to host Survivor 40 Recaps on the Podcast too! Date for this to start is Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 Which means recaps are back on Thursday February 13th, 2020 at 9 pm EST!

Big Brother Canada 8- No date as of yet and plus auditions just closed so the date we will find out end of January some time into February at the most when the show is on the air again for Season 8.

           Either way I am excited to be continuing for this podcast despite whatever mixed feelings I am damn well having right now but this is what you guys wanted and I plan on continuing on despite I am feeling done still even with the burst of inspiration to continue I am doing this for you guys and I am happy it's continuing just kind of overwhelmed with fact I do not have any of the off season podcast ideas as I scrapped them and I should of kept them but I didn't so now I am paying the price for it and same with what I said before almost half are now off due to the fact I had em removed. Now I have requested it to re appear on Castbox and also Spotify but the ones you see on the Everything About Reality TV Podcast Page is the one will be available to you guys. Finally once this poll is finished on Saturday afternoon and we get closer to the finale  I will be making an announcement via video to say it is officially back and hopefully I have some answers for when the new season begins and when I will start recording off season podcasts too down the road. 


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