I can say this after working so hard on notes and trying to make up some ground on the podcast, I am near finished typing and by now you never know I could be finished up with the notes as they are getting very paper thin right now. Anyways I am close to finished and Larry and I were originally planning this weekend however it isn't about the notes being finished it is more then less we cannot mount the other boom arm and microphone on the desk I am currently using and the desk does not have the lip to hold the boom so that is not an option right now. Space is very limited at the moment and it is not entirely my fault as you guys know the studio is still under renovations at the moment however the desk is almost ready as we have to install a part at the back of the desk so we can mount the monitors on the mount for both screens. So we could be back at the desk this weekend or next week but that is why I am making this post this week to tell and update you guys what is going on. Even if we are on the restored desk, there will not be any shelves put back up for quite sometime until the ceiling in completed which has yet to be finished. So I plan on putting shelves when the ceiling is complete and we are ready to put shelves up. Again I will always keep you guys up to speed on things on when I have updates. I will be doing a formal blog post with a schedule at what it will look like.
Now to the announcement part I am proud to officially say 2 weeks Sunday, both Larry and I are happy to say that Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is coming back with talking about Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy and Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue! Now the official posting of the episodes will come once I edit the podcast and post it up. I will probably, more then likely I will be doing another blog post to announce the release schedule for the podcast. We are both excited to be returning after an 8 month hiatus which was honestly too long of a wait for the podcast to return and I know I messed up with not recording in October but that is officially behind us and now we are returning and excited to sit down and talk about these two seasons. Guess "best to those who wait" which is a great quote. Either or, we cannot wait and hope you guys will enjoy it when it comes out later in February.
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