Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Will I Be Booking Interviews While I'm Busy?

              The question that I am sure you guys are asking will I be booking  while I am busy and the answer is NO, I will not be. Because I would need to take the time to come up with questions, get Skype video setup and other things that involve me being at the computer. I am going to be just super busy with family and the 21st I am happy to announce something this week's final end of the week updates for a few weeks time. You have to wait till end of the week. 

              So I am slowing down and already turned on my availability on Matchmaker to unavailable as I am winding down on interviews for right now. However, if you email entertainmentmanpod@gmail.com we are more then happily able to direct you to the Calendly and book for the week of May 21st which is the date I plan on doing interviews again as I will be coming off of my hiatus for the few weeks that I am not going to be available for. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


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