Thursday, May 16, 2024

What's Going on With The CBOTW Show?

             I know YouTube has become a stressful platform. I thought all our episodes The  CBOTW Show was going to work but the premiere cut out after 10 - 20 mins into  the premiere which got me very, very upset and more agitated with the platform but playing it back didn't work. I think having 3 channels is a little much right now. So The CBOTW Show is staying Audio ONLY for now and maybe 3 channels was not the right move for us perhaps plus Twitch. 

             So maybe I need to focus on the 2 channels and shrink things down ChrisBOnTheWeb Media channel and Entertainment Man Podcast. Maybe one day we will go back to video for The CBOTW Show but who knows. We are taking a step back for now and focusing on the Audio ONLY for The CBOTW Show while Entertainment Man Podcast is on YouTube and with me streaming on weekends for you guys those will be my 2 primary focus. Anyways that is the blog post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


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