Showing posts with label Big Time Gamer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Time Gamer. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020

I Built My Own Big Brother House On The Sims 4

             I recently built with Larry's help the Sims 4 Big Brother house and yes I added in HOH, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom and honestly it really looks like the Big Brother Canada House in a strange way but I changed a few things around. Had issues with lighting but now it has theater like lights that remains. Mind you there is no houseguests in this house at the moment as I just finished a few weeks in game time of the game of Big Brother. Honestly it took Larry and I to build this hours and after he left I continued to improve it and I managed to tweak it down to size. It was way to big and still is very much too big but seems to work well for me.

               I have done 2 seasons and already had to expel 2 people in 2 different seasons for some how escaping the house. I had one sim pregnant but was evicted. The first season I did in that house I had no Have Not Room and I had to break walls to add it into the house.  Mind you I purposely put the lights on so you can see what the space looks like but again there is nobody in there but my guy who runs that entire house.  Either way it was a lot of work and I added in Fitness and Laundry Day extra and now the upstairs bathroom has a laundry feature. Had a few fires already but realized the issue was the sims was cleaning the lint trap while it was running so I figured out the issue. I am excited for redesigning the next house but taking a small break and in a normal house where my guy and his family have which ironically is next door to the big house. One last thing when I have 8 full people in the house which is the limit in the game, it's worth over $300,000 which is the most expensive house I have built to date on this game. Either way I have kept myself busy during my time in self isolation and yes I do not work non stop, I do take breaks from time to time.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dead By Daylight Video Game Review!

          I do not have a ton of hours on this game whatsoever but it is time I give some kind of review. I honestly can say at the start was a great start. First time I played I escaped! I'm like this is too easy but the more I played it became a lot more tougher for me and I didn't know I had to repair the generator and get them all running so this way it shows where you have to go. So I was a bit of a noob at this game and still am but getting better and better at it and I like this game especially for this time of the year as you all know Halloween is tomorrow and I love the horror video games too. Now the fact I know how to play this game, helps me a ton and I mean it really helped. Why do I say that? Well now that I know to repair the generators that really helps me find the door especially. It isn't that hard minus having to run away from that weird looking creature. I am really happy that Rocky got me into this game and I really enjoy it. However I have only played 9.5 hours of the game and need to get back into it honestly. I am planning to hopefully play with him this week but depends on my sleep schedule and my schedule in general as you know I am very busy with planning another collab down the road in December. Anyways I think it is kind of hard to rate this game at this point but it is truly an enjoyable game and if I was to rate it I would but right now probably out of 5 I would rate it a 4 as it is a tough game at times and you have to really think and watch you're back.

         However I have just started playing Dead By Deadlight and I just gotta get back into the game a lot more honestly and with me watching Lightspeed Rescue, I know I can play a bit and take notes at the same time I'm sure and I know I try and play a ton more. The more I play, the more I will be able to get better and also I need to start upgrading the characters which that will do a ton of good for me in the game and I think I am like only level 2 or 3 on the two main characters I am playing at this point so it surely doesn't help whatsoever to have low levels on the characters so that is definitely going to have to be a goal for me to rank em up big time to ensure the more the better. I realize too I have to upgrade different skills which I have started to do so I am on my way but yet again like I said from my point of view I have to play a ton more and that is definitely in the plans for me moving forward that I am going to make time to play even for an hour a day is good as I know working non stop is not a good thing and I do need to take a break and not burn myself out whatsoever. 
