Showing posts with label Choice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choice. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Dynamic Microphone or Condenser? Which One Do I Prefer!

               With me being almost a year since having the condenser microphone since switching from Dynamic mic to a Condenser mic and I think today is suitable to talk about which one I actually prefer the most and it has been an interesting and learning experience in change of type of microphones. I didn't realize I could talk into it upright position till I started talking into it. Before I got the AT2020 condenser Microphone which the mic I own right now on top of the dynamic Mic I also have which is now acting like the guest microphone when I do have guests here in the studio with me like Larry for example. 

                I can tell the difference between the two microphones in the way of Audio Quality of the microphone. The dynamic was good but not as good as the condenser microphone that I currently use so there is  bit of a different in the audio quality but that's OK, both still get the job done and done right for. My Dynamic Mic has a lot more mileage used on it then the condenser but this mic will in time will have the mileage too. Either way having a second mic like I said above does help me with the guest situation as it was hard before with one mic only. LOL, we used Larry dead end headset which was a piece of junk honestly and crackly sound and what not... I am not putting down Larry's equipment. 

                  Now, which one do I prefer? Well either mic I prefer but honestly mic is a mic and it don't matter which one I  use as long at the end of the day it gets the job done and done right.  The studio is growing as I get further and further along with Chris B On The Web and  I am excited for the future of the podcast, yes I realize the .com website is now gone and I will be addressing it soon in the coming days, maybe tomorrow, maybe by Monday at the most when I get more news on why they blocked my site for no apparent reason when it was just a blank website at the time. 


Monday, December 18, 2017

YouTube Vs. Podcasting, Which One Do I Prefer?

                  I really never really covered this since my days as an YouTuber but which of the two do I prefer YouTube or Podcasting? It is a very interesting question honestly as it has taken me hours to figure out the answer to that and even writing this blog post tonight, I find it hard to give an answer but here is my answer behind this:

                  With podcasting, I find it a lot more fun interacting with my fan base on the Facebook ground page and Twitter then I do with YouTube as on YT, the comments do not all show up in comments and I have noticed this even towards the end of my YouTube career comments went into the pending box and I had to manually had to approve it as long as it was appropriate or I would of sent it over to spam. Now with Podcasting the comments that are made or reviews show up, they show no matter what. The comments sometimes showing up on YouTube, that's YouTube for you. The interaction with you guys the fans within social media, I see everything you guys say to me with the mentioned section on Twitter and for the Facebook the posts show up right there on the feed and easy for me to answer every message I get in the group. Plus there isn't that dislike button and there are not as many trolls as there , but you can rate with 1 - 5 stars, 5 especially if you enjoy the podcast each and every week and I know you guys have been enjoying it as the views sure tell me so that you guys love listening to it each and every week. It doesn't matter I don't make money from this but I find it a lot more rewarding and the planning isn't as hard as YouTube and all I really do for Everything About Reality TV for example is take the notes from the episode add extra footnotes if needed, questions especially if I got a guest on the podcast. I also found I have grown fast on 5 other Audio ONLY platforms or Networks on top of so the growth of a podcast is faster on Audio ONLY compared to video, but I am not putting down Video it's good too with the interaction of the fans LIVE on video and trust me I've considered it many times and still considering it for finale's still to this day.

                   So the moment of truth is here, which one do I prefer? Well, Podcasting! I have had the most fun ever with it and my hashtag #EverythingAboutRealityTV which is the hastag you can use to get in the conversation, put in your thoughts or even questions and I will even read them on the show each episode! But My hashtag for that podcast, has been trending not once but twice I believe this year it was twice it got trending, could of been from Survivor Millenial's Vs Gen X season but it doesn't matter when, it was, it has trended before and it can trend again in the nearby future and I am sure it will be. I had fun with YouTube, but was time for change and I find to be having more fun with podcasting then I did with YouTube, so Podcasting all the way.
