Showing posts with label Preference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preference. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Android Vs. IPhone.... Which One Do I Prefer?

              First of all crap hit the fan when my mouse stopped working and I had Larry over and had to go get another mouse for my computer at Canada Computers which I love the fact they are nearby and easy to get at. Anyways, we were looking at the protection cases for phones while we waited to check out my mouse and that is when I got this entire idea for Android vs IPhone which one is better? First of all, I have had both Android & IPhone, currently with IPhone at his current moment.. What the heck I said IPhone 3 times, dang it 4 now... smh. Anyways this blog post i getting so derailed now, but the question of the day is which one is better. Well I can say first of all Android it is easier to get a virus compare to IOS as I never got a virus warning sign whatsoever so Android I like but certain phones I didn't like, such as Samsung being one of them. The LG G3 wasn't bad either and I actually was hoping to get he LG G5 or the G6 which are more the latest as those phones which I really liked it. IPhone at the start I found it really hard to figure out how the heck to use it but however, I managed to figured it out how to use it minus Facetime which I still gotta figure out hopefully around my birthday I will get to do that with family if they wish to do so.

                Now the million dollar question is which one do I prefer, it is the IPhone. Why? Because I like the fact I got a lot other apps I can use, such as the podcasts app, which are hooked up to the ITunes Podcast and yes Mine is in there as well as I have subscribed to myself as sometimes I do tune into my own podcast from time to time but I will talk about it in a later time. Also ITunes are on there but I think you can get them onto a android but I could be wrong about it but you never really know as I never really tried downloading it onto my android when I had android. But I do prefer the IPhone as I said before it sure has a lot more features then android but that is only one man's opinion. 


Monday, January 29, 2018

Vlogging VS. Blogging, Which One Is Better?

           I have been holding back this for quite some time now but I want to do this blog post Vlogging Vs Blogging which is better. This is only my opinion and what I think is better. Now as you know I have been through both now, vlogging on YouTube for 700 plus days and blogging since the days of The Video Projects Team when I was still mainly a part of my old team which is now in the past. 

            So vlogging is where you blog your daily life or what is on your mind. Now like I said above, I vlogged for over 700 days which was fun, however it became a chore to vlog my life everyday, edit the vlog and post it up, it was just too much for me after 700 days of vlogging, I ended up stopping the daily vlogs and moving to a couple of times a week. It was really fun tho when it came to the actual days we were shooting The Entertainment Man Talk Show or another series I had going. Also I had to be careful what I vlogged, especially when it came around the copyright end of things with the music especially if I was in the mall or somewhere where music was blasting so that was quite tough as well. 

             Now blogging, I can talk whatever I want, again my philosophy is I try to keep it clean, keep it real, not bad mouth people or put people down, but yes I will say what is on my mind but keeping it clean and not putting people down. Also I can talk about a topic whatever that is going on in my life or something that is trending out there, events I go to. Plus I like to write and I am quite good at it too, getting better and get quite the views for em compare to vlogs, so bit of a difference there.

              Which one do I prefer? I prefer blogging as again I like to write and I can say what is on my mind without limited to time as I tried to keep it to a limited time for vlogs each and everyday but here people can read it within a couple of minutes. I enjoy the aspect of I can actually take photos and post em up on here as well and I really enjoy photography as it is relaxing. I also find it easy to explain better in a blog then a vlog, so that has it's perks, so blogging is much, much better. 


Monday, December 18, 2017

YouTube Vs. Podcasting, Which One Do I Prefer?

                  I really never really covered this since my days as an YouTuber but which of the two do I prefer YouTube or Podcasting? It is a very interesting question honestly as it has taken me hours to figure out the answer to that and even writing this blog post tonight, I find it hard to give an answer but here is my answer behind this:

                  With podcasting, I find it a lot more fun interacting with my fan base on the Facebook ground page and Twitter then I do with YouTube as on YT, the comments do not all show up in comments and I have noticed this even towards the end of my YouTube career comments went into the pending box and I had to manually had to approve it as long as it was appropriate or I would of sent it over to spam. Now with Podcasting the comments that are made or reviews show up, they show no matter what. The comments sometimes showing up on YouTube, that's YouTube for you. The interaction with you guys the fans within social media, I see everything you guys say to me with the mentioned section on Twitter and for the Facebook the posts show up right there on the feed and easy for me to answer every message I get in the group. Plus there isn't that dislike button and there are not as many trolls as there , but you can rate with 1 - 5 stars, 5 especially if you enjoy the podcast each and every week and I know you guys have been enjoying it as the views sure tell me so that you guys love listening to it each and every week. It doesn't matter I don't make money from this but I find it a lot more rewarding and the planning isn't as hard as YouTube and all I really do for Everything About Reality TV for example is take the notes from the episode add extra footnotes if needed, questions especially if I got a guest on the podcast. I also found I have grown fast on 5 other Audio ONLY platforms or Networks on top of so the growth of a podcast is faster on Audio ONLY compared to video, but I am not putting down Video it's good too with the interaction of the fans LIVE on video and trust me I've considered it many times and still considering it for finale's still to this day.

                   So the moment of truth is here, which one do I prefer? Well, Podcasting! I have had the most fun ever with it and my hashtag #EverythingAboutRealityTV which is the hastag you can use to get in the conversation, put in your thoughts or even questions and I will even read them on the show each episode! But My hashtag for that podcast, has been trending not once but twice I believe this year it was twice it got trending, could of been from Survivor Millenial's Vs Gen X season but it doesn't matter when, it was, it has trended before and it can trend again in the nearby future and I am sure it will be. I had fun with YouTube, but was time for change and I find to be having more fun with podcasting then I did with YouTube, so Podcasting all the way.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Which Social Media Do I Use The Most Currently?

          So you are probably wondering what Social Media? Well besides Facebook for my own personal use, my main go to Social Media for Chris B On The Web at this point is Twitter and is the only social media used for Chris B On The Web.

            As you guys know I've tried a fan page to a point I was trolled or not much activity on the page whatsoever. Also as you know my posts got reported so again that is why I have refused to make anymore groups at this point of time, someone keeps reporting my posts, not that I am bashing Facebook, because I'm not...  I got my reasons why I do not have the Facebook group or the Facebook Page and I am happy with what I got at this point of time. The way I see it, is go on social media that bring you the most success and interaction, it doesn't hurt to try it out if it doesn't work then you can remove it from that social media and work with which ones work the best for you. 

           So which platforms do I prefer to use? Well I liked Facebook but to a point of the post getting reported so Twitter is currently my go to for social media at this point of time and honestly I get a ton more response from it then i did elsewhere, even Google Plus wasn't doing overly great for me at the time, but my choices would be Facebook or Twitter, Facebook as I had ton of support on the group up to the point of being reported constantly from outside the group. Twitter, I get Retweets, replies Likes, you name it on there and I am very happy with the platform and been a solid member since 2011/2012, then the current account since 2013 and I've noticed on Twitter I have grown so much and so fast, it is my number 1 social media outside of my personal FB for friends and family. 
