Showing posts with label O'Neill C.V.I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O'Neill C.V.I. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

In The Weight Room in High School Gym (Throwback Thursday Story)

               I promised this story last week and your going to get another great high school story and I promise you, not every week will be school related, however today's post is sort of intertwined with last week's post as I mentioned the weight room last week so that brings us to today's another amazing post.

               When I was in High School, which feels like Eon's ago since it happened now, I always had a weight room unit for a week and I did something that I never would think, that I would ever do in my entire life and that is lift over 150 pounds, to be exact I lifted 155 pounds. My teacher Mr Plishka which I even went to see him after high school was finished for me. Anyways, I kept telling him during the weight room unit that I couldn't do anymore and I was over 100 pounds lifting, but he took no for an answer, he pushed me to my limit and I do not mind at all actually, because I am truly proud I got to lift 155 pounds on the bench press. I know it wasn't easy but I managed to lift that large amount of weight and he knew what he was doing.

                Finally I wanna thank my friend Billy for the ideas about stories about O'Neill, I think I figured out about 3 of them, but I realize there is one more extra gym story, not with Plishka's class but actually with my Grade 11 class and that is a pretty funny story and dumb moment when someone no names mentioned tries to cheat the run, but expect that out in 2 weeks from now when I talk about it.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

High School Gym Class Throwback Thursday Story!

           High School, feels like a very long time since the days of High School. Honestly I miss school but I am now in my adult life trying to do something with my life which recently it sure as heck hasn't been an easy life that I have had but I am trying. So today's throwback story is me talking about my days in Grade 10 Gym class and yes Mr Plishka's class. A lot of memories with that class and I have a few throwback stories to tell. This one in particular is about the time I was split up into a specific team which always won when I was on the team. 

         So every now and then in Plishka's class we would split up the class into groups of 4 or 5 of us into teams and we would play the sport that is scheduled in our current unit we are doing at the time. However everytime I was with Billy, Nigel, Joel, and maybe one other classmate too. But whenever have this particular team put together we seem to always do extremely well where we end up winning the entire time which I felt like it was always rigged but it is what it is, he is the one that put the teams together, so he's the one to blame rigging the team I was on LOL! Just kidding.  Also one of the times I actually ended up getting a shutout on one of the indoor soccer tourneys we had during the class so it proves I can be a competitive person in sports.

            Anyways regardless it was a fun class to be in, Mr. Plishka made it a fun class to be in and also he also got me to push past my limits in Gym Class, which is another throwback Thursday for next week but let me know in the comments below if you would like to hear that story in next week's blog post and I will sure be willing to tell that story next week right here on my blog.

Have a great night!

Chris "The Media Man"

Thursday, April 26, 2018

High School Traveling To Classes (Throwback Thursday Story)

         I don't think I ever talked about this in the blog but this is once again another THROWBACK Thursday Story for you guys! This one is a cool one and it is in two parts, the first paragraph will contain the travel music, the second part the other music they played during travel to classes at the start of the day and after Lunch. 

         So just after the warning bell, just before the period starts they played the William Tell Overture which was created by Giachino Rossini which is very easy to YouTube the tune but in case click this Link To William Tell Overture if you don't know what the tune is like but trust me it is the theme to the old TV Show and they also did a movie while back,  "The Lone Ranger" which is that is where the history of the song came from. So yes they played it just before first period and right after Lunch just as we were traveling to 3rd period class so it made traveling to class a lot more fun I guess you would say. Did I not like hearing the song from time to time, yes, just because towards the end of the year before summer came around I was just fed up of hearing it but it is a good way to make sure the slackers as Mr Strickland from Back To The Future would say, get to class and I knew a few students who liked to skip classes, especially from my BIC Class (Behavioral Intervention Class) and my Homeroom as well who were skippers.... SMH! I was actually the first person from that class to graduate out of BIC, so I had the great honor of being the first person to graduate from the BIC Program there at O'Neill C.V.I. 

            Now latter half of O'Neill they did this fundraiser if we fill up this big water jug which is used for the water coolers they will stop playing MmmBop by Hanson. I pretty much brought in every single penny (which still existed back then, as we do not use the penny here in Canada anymore), nickel, dime, quarter into the office so they can just stop playing the stinkin song. I was sick of it, the students got sick and tired, I think there was enough complaints they stopped playing the song all together which mind you it was a relief to hear that they stopped it. 

             It was definitely interesting way to  travel from and to class and I got plenty of High School and College throwback stories to tell and please let me know in the comments below what other throwback stories you would like to hear, whether it is High School, Elementary School or even College, I will be more then happy to tell it. I am very much an open book to my days in School and I got a few other ideas in mind as I was searching through old posts on my blog so I got a clear idea what other posts I could do in the nearby future. 

Chris "The Media Man"