There is plenty to expose with the planning of my now solo career with CBOTW I have gone ahead and decided to let you guys know the schedule for our blogs. I am not changing much in the way of posts but it will be mainly be me unless I ask Billy or Larry wants to do a blog post for the website but most part it is me. You guys will start hearing from me 7 days a week, 365 days a year here on the website I am going nowhere. I got complete control over CBOTW and happy with Billy as my Manager and Tiala my Fan Page Moderator. Anyways here is the timetable for the Blog for each and every week:
Sundays: Weekly Update Blog
Mondays - Fridays: Regular Topics
Saturdays: Weight Loss Updates
There is the schedule and like I said nothing is changing in the schedule it will be the same and I assure you myself and my management team is not going to be changing anything anytime soon. I also would like to add that I just do not wanna make too many changes too soon and this is more then likely the last change that I am going to make right now and just build with what I have right now and trust me things are really going strong for me. Got 2 great podcasts and a great blog which now is very active at this point when it comes to posts. This is a fresh start and honestly I wish I thought of this sooner then usual. Anyways the weight loss update will be starting next week so I will have a different post tomorrow and this schedule will be starting on Sunday morning at 11 am EST and the time will not be changing whatsoever. I will see you guys on tomorrow's post.
- Chris