Thursday, August 17, 2017

Plans For Chris B On The Web &!

              I know it's been a week since i posted up a blog post and its because I have been extremely busy with thing and this is why I am writing this bit of an update after I took the post of the announcement here on the blog I now wanna make it clear the plans I have for the website:

- The next big plan is to involve for right now at least one one of my Alumni, also known as my Former Staff blog for the website and someone was picked after a great consideration I chose Larry Rieck a long time friend since College. Why you may ask? Well he like to write and hes got a passion of talking about video games and also Reality TV so he will give you insight with those and it can be anything he wants to talk about as long as it is 300 words or more so. It will be nice to have someone write about Reality TV too he will give you guys his insight on what is going on in the world of Reality TV and I am already guessing Hell's Kitchen will be having a place on this blog as I am not planning on recapping Hell's Kitchen, I thought about it but kind of changed my mind at the last minute to do the coverage but he more then likely will be talking about it and I can see him blogging about it every week. 

- Final thing I would like to mention on today's blog and I apologize profusely for such a lengthy blog post but this has to be announced sooner then later. Anyways the last update I have is I will be doing several collab podcasts with a few of my friends. I got 2 in the back of my mind right now and an interview setup. 1) Interview with Jeff Livingstone 2) CBOTW Presents: Mighty Morphin Power Ranger Talk with hopefully Larry which will be recorded in one full day in 3 parts, one for each season.  3) A collab on Everything About Reality TV with Justin which I am second guessing as BBCan6 is now happening, I had something completely different in mind about it but I will figure out a revise on it someway, somehow. 

Those are my updates and again I am sorry for the long post but so much to announce, so much happening and exciting news to share with you all and Chris B On The Web & are growing so fast and rapidly and the site itself has reached 14.5k (14,500) website views in the last year and it is just crazy but I am one proud owner! 

Have a great day!


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