Sunday, October 15, 2017

Upcoming Events & Podcasts, 2017 - 2018 (UPDATED!)

           After talking to my Alumni & good friend Larry about the podcasts and how I would like to grow the website further, also the events has been changed time and time again so I've compiled a new list of events and podcasts and potential or definite guests for the collab podcasts that I am planning on doing, so without further ado here is my list:


             As you know With the Cancellation of appearing at Autism Celebration & Apple Festival, re-adjustments are currently being made & adding  and here are the adjustments:

November 5th, 2017: The Royal Winter Fair, Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, 9 am - ????

November 18th, 2017: Oshawa Santa Claus Parade, 6 - 8 pm EST

December 6th, 2017: Tyrone Parade of Lights, 6:45 - 8:15 pm EST

Podcasts (Including Everything About Reality TV Off Season Podcasts & Collab Podcasts):

- Everything About Reality TV, Big Brother Canada All-Stars Dream Cast with Larry Rieck Mid December, Late December after Survivor Heroes Vs Healers Vs Hustlers

- Everything About Reality TV, 100th Episode Special with Larry, Maybe Justin and/or Dave.

- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Talk Collab Mini Series Podcast With Larry Rieck

- Interview With Jeffrey Livingstone about his Sports

- Sports Collab Podcast With Jeff (Possibility) 

                That is it for my list, it can be and will be updated if it needed in the nearby future
if need be but things change quite rapidly with Chris B On The Web and it is my job as the Founder/Owner/Blogger to ensure the updates are giving to you when they are available. Have a great rest of your night!


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