I promised an update and sooner then we thought, but we still have a bit of a hurdle when it comes to the Audio ONLY. There are still episode we erased that has been erased since and still stuck on the feed and the numbers are not matching the main studio numbers which is 32 for Entertainment Man Podcast which that feed has not been affected whatsoever just The CBOTW Show that is affected and we just do not know why at this point. We have 2 episodes to post up on the Audio ONLY Platforms and we will upload the Audio ONLY side eventually but Chris wanted me to announce an mass upload schedule this weekend which will be a big weekend for Podcasts. Here is the schedule for posts for this weekend:
Saturday, February 20th, 2021: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- Big Brother Relationships Podcast W/ Jasmine and Chris
Sunday, February 21st, 2021: 1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast- EP # 7, Why Did I Quit YouTube?
That should bring us into the week with 0 problems moving forward. This week we will be focusing on the Audio ONLY and fixing the issues with the platforms as you know Castbox has become a bit of issue for us and 0 communication from them to the issue so Chris spent all night transferring over back to Podcasts.com which he wasn't on good terms with them when he left em last year but Chris is back with em and he even stated to me that he is sick and tired of playing "musical sites" moving all the time and wishes sites would be a bit more stable and communicate with their users on social media with problems so we are back home where we began in 2016. As I stated on Twitter, Chris messaged Jasmine if they can do a reschedule to next week as the Audio ONLY has a priority at this moment. Chris was up all night, he was quite irritated and mad at this entire situation as he was so excited about going live later on and now he has to postpone cause a website messes up the feed. He will not be on the blog rest of this week unfortunately and I will be posting throughout the rest of the week minus Thursday as he has something already pre-written and we will be sure to let you guys know what's happening with out Live Stream by the afternoon. Tomorrow's post I have a bit of an announcement so please stay tune for that.
Charlotte, Site Admin
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