Friday, May 14, 2021

Some Podcast Updates!

               I am going to try and keep you guys in the loop with the recent podcasts what I am up to prepare for the upcoming podcast with Larry and I. I can say I stayed as late as I can last night to ensure I get a ton done, I even had Anchorman 2 which mind you is quite crazy and funny in the process. First Power Rangers Podcast: 

- I hope and aim to be finished by end of the weekend early next week and the way I went last night, I got a ton done and aiming to get more done today by end of the day. I hope to finish it within Tuesday to start working on SPD right away so we can and get SPD ready for end of June. 

-While working on SPD in the early week, work on the Anniversary Podcast, June the 3rd on the next recording while Larry and I wait to record SPD end of June. It's going to be the ripple effect from here on out. 

-Also I have decided that the Anniversary Podcast for PR Collab Podcast will be live on my Facebook Fan Page on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021. So that is where I am at with this podcast at this moment. 

- The future plans for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast moving into 2023 will be coming towards the end of the year so stay tuned for that!

Entertainment Man Podcast:

- While working on SPD and editing Dino Thunder, I do have to start coming up with podcast notes for Season 3 of Entertainment Man Podcast to ensure I am ready to go for June 2nd, 2021 which is mid week when I will be recording the first episode for Season 3.

- Now interviews, I know that interviews was a thing in Season 2 and was short lived with the 10 episode 2nd season. I will be bringing it back but not this year in the year 2021. I plan on working in Interviews in a future Season, possibly the 4th Season of this podcast but I do not wanna get too far ahead of myself with renewing the podcast for a Season 4 before Season 3 even begins it's run June 7th. More will be coming towards the end of the month on this.

           That are the updates of what's happening around my website and plenty more to come in the very nearby future. I know I did not mention the 3rd Collaboration Podcast with Jasmine as of yet and I ran out of room on this post as this is a lengthy as it is but have a good weekend and I will talk to you guys on Monday!


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