Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The New Archives!

               You probably wanna know what the plan is with the Extras tab which now has suddenly disappeared into a different name as you see. Well I changed the name to Archives and slid it across to the right by the Contact page and now has the Past Podcasts which is active and live on the website. The second item below will be an ChrisBOnTheWeb- YouTube Page listing his history as a YouTuber, Blogger and Podcaster from ChrisBOnTheWeb's inception in 2014. The Other part is The Video Projects Team which will have some pictures of the projects that have been done which was provided by Chris himself. It will have an detail information on the former team from the days on YouTube which will take some time to compile the data of the past from Chris which I will have to interview Chris himself about the team with all the projects that he has done in the past. This will be the bottom item on the list and is the 3rd and final phase of the project and we have a month and a half to complete the entire project all together to make the original fully launch. 

             This is going to take a bit to get done and progress on the website work, we will release the pages one by one and we are aiming to have it all finished by September 1st, 2021 and open to the public for you guys all to see the history he has as a Content Creator in Online Media and you guys will know everything you have to know about the projects that you guys are probably wondering. I am sure he will be talking about a lot of things on the podcast of his down the road as he has mentioned that to me on the weekend when we had the transition change between the site admin fiasco. I hope this explains thing and it is clear with the plan with this website and we're excited to release this new feature on the website. 


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