Showing posts with label Horror Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror Movies. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Short Analysis of The Psycho Movies

                I just got finished watching a couple of nights worth of Horror Movies and I decided to watch all 3 of the movies again. I wanna talk about each of em out of the 4 movies that they did out of the series. Anyways let's get into em:

Psycho: Which is what got all of this started with Marion Crane who was played by Janet Leigh who is Jamie Lee Curtis's mom which I never knew that till I saw this movie.  I love the intensity of the music when something tense is happening within the movie. I know there was only person that died in the movie that was Marion. Absolutely loved the story line and this movie is indeed a classic! 

Psycho II: The story of after Norman what he did to Marion at his Motel. He gets a job at a diner and takes in Mary in his mothers house. The one thing that annoyed me was Mrs Loomis and that Manager he had working for him at the start which he was a stupid drunk to be honest. I really hated that douchebag. I know it's only a movie but I couldn't stand the two of them whatsoever. Also I know when Mary dropped the guy and he hit something it wasn't her fault. she got a bit distracted there so it's not her fault.

Psycho III: Well Maureen got a ride from this crazy nutcase Duke who was a complete nutcase. He was kind of a weird character and will always be the one character I really disliked. Noticed with 2 and 3 they did not use the violins like they did in the first one as I forgot to mention it above. 

Psycho IV: Finally the 4th and final movie which wraps up the storyline. We have Norman talking to a doctor on the radio about why he killed his mother and the entire storyline when he was younger to now how he became his mother in the process. Now I noticed the scene the girl is killed off early part of the movie when they showed Norman, I swear it was Anthony Perkins that was the one I froze, zoomed up on the frame to see. I love how it ended with the burning of the Psycho house, kind of symbolic in the end and now he is a free man of demons.

           Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this short synopsis of each movie, I tried to get in what I had to say and I love this movies and now I have a great appreciation for these movies. I know I was told 2, 3 and 4 sucked but I enjoyed it. It tells a story and there is elements to these movies and the 4th is the high peak of the movie how it ever started to the finish line. I plan on doing some for Friday The 13th and Halloween movies down the road. Until tomorrow, have a great rest of your day!


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Shining Movie Review

           I can say this, I've been wanting to do the review on this season for quite sometime now since the start of the year but kept putting it off week after week but now here it is the review for this movie. The Shining, I heard so much and looking at clips from the movie Psycho and I stumbled on the scene where Jack Nicolson says: "Heeeere's Johnny!" which if you didn't know that was ab-lib and wasn't suppose to actually be a part of this. I honestly felt confused at the start of the movie but as it went on it all made sense, as the movie progressed, it became all clear that Jack Nicolson's character, Jack Torrance. Ironic they kept his first name technically. Anyways as the movie went on, I noticed he got a little more crazier up to the part I mentioned earlier the "Heeere's Johnny!" scene which now to this very day is an iconic scene from the movie.

            I can imagine how heavy the axe was carrying it upstairs. What I remember he was a writer and was writing a book during the movie. Jack Nicolson is an amazing actor and he fit the role very well in this movie. Was the first movie I saw with him in it. Anyways I loved the movie and it was an really good movie and I'd watch it again in the very nearby future. This movie gets an easy 10 out of 10. This movie easily goes on my top 10 Horror Movies of the 1980's along with Friday The 13th. I highly recommend this movie for you guys to see if you are an horror movie fan and haven't seen this movie yet. Of course you guys more then likely have but just saying if you haven't then watch it, lol. Anyways I am rambling. Next on my list is watching and finishing Friday The 13th which I'd like to review the movie on my list and probably do 3 movies in one post at a time and hopefully I can get it finished. Next week, I will be also reviewing Super Girl Seasons 4 & 5 at some point as well and I will be talking to you guys on tomorrow's post. 


Saturday, September 1, 2018

My Favorite Horror Movies?

               I wasn't originally into the Horror Movies till I met one of my former staff who worked along with me during The Video Projects Team ERA and he got me into them and actually their not overall bad actually. I recently started watching a series of them and saw one for the very first time which was filmed here in my hometown which is really cool actually!  So without further ado, here is my list of movies that have made my list: 

1) Psycho- I have seen all 4 movies and loved them all even tho my former staff said the last 3 weren't great but I thought it was good and it tells a story from the first movie  to the end. The last movie I wasn't expecting the creepy Violins to play like when the girl died in the movie.... I definitely got the heebie jeebies for a split second!

2) Friday The 13th- I have only seen about 3 or 4 of the movies but plan on watching all of em down the road but really did enjoy the movies and very interesting story line as well. 

3) Halloween- Again another movie that I have only seen 2 - 3 of the movies of the series and I have to catch up soon as the reboot or the next movie comes out this fall and I want to get more familiar with it. Also I found out this was Jamie Lee Curtis's start in making movies. 

4) IT- I finally after himming and hawing over wanting or if to see the movie IT, the Remake of the movie, not the original movie, I finally broke down and watched the movie back in July and it was really good, creepy with the clowns but that is the bad guy in the movie. I am planning on seeing the original movie and also seeing IT 2 when it comes out next year in theaters! 

               That is my list, it isn't much but I have plans to actually see the movie "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson, yes it's an old movie but it is a plan. I need to continue on with Friday The 13th, Halloween and also see IT so when I got nothing better to do or bored, I will definitely have a movie day, especially when we have rainy days as we are getting more rain here recently which is nice to have and it gives the heat a break for us as well but the next rainy day, I will be on a movie marathon!
