Showing posts with label blogger life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger life. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Chris Is Off Today, I Am Filling In For Him... Again!

           Well, Chris is off again today and not cause of work either. It'd because he's not in a good mood over transit system cancelling buses to and from his area which is not good. Means Larry cannot come to the house to record in the studio and I just found this out minutes before coming on here to type up a post on his behalf or for him. The post he had, he will do at a later time and I am sure he's put it on the backlog of post ideas for right now and will covering it eventually. Not only that but he cannot go out to see friends for the day once CO-VID19 is over and he feels like he's in jail for the rest of his life and he has considered moving into his own place and he feels like he is ready to go but is kind of scared. It's natural that he is feeling scared or will be lonely but he is only a call away to his parents if he wants to talk to them. After all he is going to be 35 years old this year and he will need to move out on his own. I get the fact he wants to help them out as much as possible as he is the only one out of him and his brother that's living there but it's only a car ride away.

                Maybe it is time for him to find a place called home for himself, maybe he is ready to be on his own and is only a bus ride or drive away from the house. That is up to him but I totally understand why he is upset and he needed the day off from social media to work on stuff and get the podcast edited today so he can release it this weekend and he means it too. I can say this he is almost done the second part of that disaster of a podcast as he is calling it. He's not too impressed with the outcome but the next one I'm sure will be more of a smoother podcast. First thing he outlined to me is the tech issues Larry was having and 2) He had the wrong microphone setup but he will make sure it is the right one in September when the two of them record. So that is his primary focus right now is to get that done then work on Wild Force again. That is my post for today and I will speak to you all on Sunday's blog post update!

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Future Of

             I have been dreading this moment for a very long time as you know the .com has been a real pain and I cannot wait till I get away from my current provider and start out with a fresh start with the site. What is the plan you may ask? Well I am planning to wait out the expiration of my current contract with the one provider and moving it on over to Google completely! That's right one website this time around, no worries about problems with the website going down or them taking it down again. The web builder provider I had wasn't the greatest and I have had my issues. One website, less headaches to worry about this time around. What you currently see on the page here now is pretty much what you will see when the .com is added back into the rotation. SO all that negativity about I wasted money on the shirt, it wasn't a waste of money. Like I said in the previous posts the interviews and collaboration podcasts will be added to the page here so it will have a ton of information and content for you guys to listen to and read! The schedule is still the same when it was on the old site that will not change, it's just on a separate page technically. 

                   Only thing there will be no main page like it was before or Everything About Reality TV having it's own feed as it would be quite hard to maintain and there is a lot of episodes that I have, 141 episodes in total as of today, 142 tomorrow. But anyways, smaller projects will be on here. I wanna go smaller scale this time around then what I had before. One good thing is with this page I can add other bloggers like my former staff/alumni Larry to the authors list which I believe hes still listed at this point, him and I haven't spoken or tried to get him setup to blog post which I will be working on as of this fall. So once the domain expires I will add it to this site I have now and we will be back in full operating order like we were before. It is a short few months but I am not worried about, all I am worried about is gaining your trust back as I have broken promises I need to fix and fix fast. Honestly with my .com site reported, I dunno the future of the website.
