Showing posts with label future plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future plans. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What Happened To The Chatroom? and Bigger Plans!

              I know the chatroom was short lived and reason was because of too much drama honestly, it just became way too much for me to have a chatroom and always seems to be the problem and even if we ban someone they find a way around it but the bigger plans is when ChrisBOnTheWeb channel gets bigger, there are bigger plans for it and I will most definitely get into it later on when the time is right. I am actually talking about a Discord server for the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community which would be huge. I am only doing that when things get bigger. I need to realize that I need to wait on things till I am big enough that I would start a server. If CBOTW Gamers Podcast pops up somewhere on ChrisBOnTheWeb, then more then likely that's when or if I start doing well with my streams.

               However, just like the chat here on there will be rules to follow when the time comes and will be a similar set of rules just like before which will be:

  1. No spamming the chatroom
  2. No being disrespectful including racist, homophobic remarks will be allowed.
  3. No posting inappropriate links or images whatsoever
  4. Please keep the chat PG at all times, trying to keep it a clean and happy community.
  5. No asking for Moderator, must earn that title by the CBOTW Team.
              Those are the rules that will probably be enforced and I will be sure to refer back to this post in the future but for now that is just plans for the future and that is what happened with the chatroom and I know it was a short explanation but things changed on the menu bar and quite quickly too. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, August 13, 2021

Planning Ahead For Podcasts!

                  I am already coming up some new ideas for the future of Entertainment Man Podcast but remember some of the episodes are on reserve in case I need em next year with interviews going on and off throughout the year and there is time between interviews but I got 2 new ideas and writing them down as they come to me so I can start writing ideas down and whatever I do not use I can use em possibly down the road in 2023 if worse comes to worse I have that as an option too later on as well. However 2022 is the primary focus now and I know while I am on my break from Power Rangers Collab before RPM is started up to prepare for the final show in 2021, I am more then likely working on Entertainment Man Podcast 2022 and getting amped up for another amazing long year of podcasts. I know I will be weaving in and out of stuff in the coming weeks to a month or two but I know what I am doing.

                  One last thing I'd like to add is I need to re do the intros of Power Rangers Collab which I will be going back and forth on till everything is completed and finished  Still a ton of work to do to get ready for future episodes and projects and I will doing on my own or also with Larry as well but I have a sticky note on my desktop to what needs to be done and by when so I know exactly when it is due to be finished. So I am planning ahead and I'm sure you guys have seen an updated post that I have completed Operation Overdrive and on the next season moving forward which is Jungle Fury before I am on a little break from the collaboration to the time I start working on RPM for December 9th, 2021 which is the finale for 2021 and going into a brand new year for podcasts. Anyways that is my update for planning ahead and little heads up Everything About Reality Podcast Archived page here on the site is going down for the day for some much needed maintenance.  Have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, October 1, 2020

There Has Been Talks Recently!

             The Executive Producer & Senior Producer of Power Rangers Collaboration Chris & Larry have been talking and they realize this is going to to happen down the road that things are going to be slowing down for the podcast and they already been talking about this for many, many months now that they are planning on another show they grew up with over the course of their childhoods. They know that they will be slowing down in 2023 which is less then 3 years from now with Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and they have come up with something else I'm sure while new seasons of Power Rangers to air so they can watch it but I am not sure how far they wanna go to be honest. They haven't been specific to how far they are planning to go to go but they have been talking about covering Ghost Writer which they grew up. 

              I am surprised Chris has not brought back The CBOTW Show for specifically TV Shows and him doing recaps for TV Shows like this but it is what he wants to do and have to respect that. They have a plan moving forward and that is really good news for them as they plan to continue collaborating with one another and I think and honestly think it is a great thing as they both enjoy doing it with each other and they have fun doing it. I know this year had it's rough patches with the podcast with the podcast off it's normal scheduled program and the tech issues with recording through Skype and them fighting on and off but it's all good now and they have a better understanding how to do this via the online as they have had to make some changes. I am happy they are still working together on podcasts and content and I gotta admit their quite a duo when it comes to those. 

Jim, Admin/CBOTW Community Manager

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The CBOTW Show & Power Ranger Talk Updates!

              Originally this post was suppose to be a notice that I wasn't planning on renewing the agreement with Larry but I just do not know what the future holds for those podcasts. Mind you they have been running great lately and you guys seem to be enjoying each and every episode Larry and I grind out. It is a ton of fun to collab with a good and old friend from college.  I am not going rule out that we are not going to renew the agreement to keep on doing, we haven't really sat down yet to discuss it and decide if it is worth to continue on or not. Larry's told me he's have having fun with it and so am I, despite it is a ton of work to prep for it but I enjoy re watching episodes and seasons I have yet to see but at this point I've seen all of the Zordon era, also Lost Galaxy & Dino Thunder but plan on watching more even if we do not continue on with the podcasts but you never really know what will happen as we both haven't had the time to talk it out what we wanna do or if we want to continue.

                We could and I have mentioned taking an hiatus as I wanna focus on Music City CMT and Last Man Standing and also the other podcast (Everything About Reality TV) as well. We still got plenty of time to talk and get things settled but I think we will renew our agreement. I think Larry will tell me Chris lets continue this is a ton of fun.  He is totally right it is! I have indeed enjoyed my time doing these podcasts as part of The CBOTW Show Podcast. I know It takes up more time but not much as I watch the show at night take notes and then podcast about it in the morning. This podcast and the other one is part of my routine now and I enjoy every moment of it and wouldn't look back at the true feelings I had when it first started. The views are incredible and in time I will be also gaining subscribers, even now I might of earned some as I do not look at the feed stats too often but I do from time to time when I get a chance. 

                  The CBOTW Show has a ton of potential and if I run out of Reality TV Show's The CBOTW Show can be the replacement podcast down the road in the long run. This is why I created this podcast just in case with the recent hiatus rumors from Big Brother Canada and now the controversy with Julie Chen's husband and no news of her contract with CBS expires as of in the Fall of 2019 so we can see that happening indefinitely and hopefully Big Brother 21 which is still up in the air as CBS hasn't renewed it for a 21st Season. Anyways I have derailed on this blog but anyways I am always planning for the future especially with The CBOTW Show Podcast in the picture now.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Future Of

             I have been dreading this moment for a very long time as you know the .com has been a real pain and I cannot wait till I get away from my current provider and start out with a fresh start with the site. What is the plan you may ask? Well I am planning to wait out the expiration of my current contract with the one provider and moving it on over to Google completely! That's right one website this time around, no worries about problems with the website going down or them taking it down again. The web builder provider I had wasn't the greatest and I have had my issues. One website, less headaches to worry about this time around. What you currently see on the page here now is pretty much what you will see when the .com is added back into the rotation. SO all that negativity about I wasted money on the shirt, it wasn't a waste of money. Like I said in the previous posts the interviews and collaboration podcasts will be added to the page here so it will have a ton of information and content for you guys to listen to and read! The schedule is still the same when it was on the old site that will not change, it's just on a separate page technically. 

                   Only thing there will be no main page like it was before or Everything About Reality TV having it's own feed as it would be quite hard to maintain and there is a lot of episodes that I have, 141 episodes in total as of today, 142 tomorrow. But anyways, smaller projects will be on here. I wanna go smaller scale this time around then what I had before. One good thing is with this page I can add other bloggers like my former staff/alumni Larry to the authors list which I believe hes still listed at this point, him and I haven't spoken or tried to get him setup to blog post which I will be working on as of this fall. So once the domain expires I will add it to this site I have now and we will be back in full operating order like we were before. It is a short few months but I am not worried about, all I am worried about is gaining your trust back as I have broken promises I need to fix and fix fast. Honestly with my .com site reported, I dunno the future of the website.
