Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Future Of

             I have been dreading this moment for a very long time as you know the .com has been a real pain and I cannot wait till I get away from my current provider and start out with a fresh start with the site. What is the plan you may ask? Well I am planning to wait out the expiration of my current contract with the one provider and moving it on over to Google completely! That's right one website this time around, no worries about problems with the website going down or them taking it down again. The web builder provider I had wasn't the greatest and I have had my issues. One website, less headaches to worry about this time around. What you currently see on the page here now is pretty much what you will see when the .com is added back into the rotation. SO all that negativity about I wasted money on the shirt, it wasn't a waste of money. Like I said in the previous posts the interviews and collaboration podcasts will be added to the page here so it will have a ton of information and content for you guys to listen to and read! The schedule is still the same when it was on the old site that will not change, it's just on a separate page technically. 

                   Only thing there will be no main page like it was before or Everything About Reality TV having it's own feed as it would be quite hard to maintain and there is a lot of episodes that I have, 141 episodes in total as of today, 142 tomorrow. But anyways, smaller projects will be on here. I wanna go smaller scale this time around then what I had before. One good thing is with this page I can add other bloggers like my former staff/alumni Larry to the authors list which I believe hes still listed at this point, him and I haven't spoken or tried to get him setup to blog post which I will be working on as of this fall. So once the domain expires I will add it to this site I have now and we will be back in full operating order like we were before. It is a short few months but I am not worried about, all I am worried about is gaining your trust back as I have broken promises I need to fix and fix fast. Honestly with my .com site reported, I dunno the future of the website.


Friday, April 27, 2018

The Plan & Future of Chris B On The Web's Podcasts...

             I hate to make this announcement but it has to be done and it is one of the hardest announcements to make at this time but it has to happen. As you know, the CBOTW Podcasts are on, ITunes & Player FM and is where the RSS Feed is from. is the main feed which is fed to the other 4 platforms. So as you know by social media aka Twitter, I couldn't upload to and frankly, I am was not one bit happy and it doesn't look good on me and for those who were on the platforms that were subscribed I feel bad for you guys not getting the CONTENT you wanna hear. 

         So what is the plan for the nearby future? Well with the website now not in limbo and I am on a more sturdy web builder for right now at least, till end of the year till i move to the more permanent home, this website will have to do for now and I don't mind it at all, whatsoever, it stalls the time from one site to another. But back to the talk about what if goes down on me again in the nearby future where I cannot upload a podcast to their website. Well the plan is will always be the alternative website for the content and it is guaranteed of being up 24-7 and you guys can always check on there if you do not see a podcast up with, TuneIn, ITunes or Player FM. There is my website which is the heart and soul of CBOTW and always will be the heart and soul. 

           Please note that I did email support right away to make them aware of the situation and that I couldn't and I am nothing but thankful for their quick and effective response to my email so things can be figured out and resolved quite quickly.  This is the plan for the future of CBOTW and I plan on changing things around so everything is still coming out as normal, but just will not be on the 4 platforms if I cannot upload it to the platform. So this is the move I am taking for right now, If I need to tweak in the nearby future I will be sure to let you guys know before anymore changes are made, it was quick on the spot this happened. 


Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Future of!

Since being off my computer it has come cleared, I wasn't meant to podcast or do YouTube, I was meant to blog, take photos and stream on I am still the same Reality TV super fan and of course you will hear me rant and talk Reality TV on Twitter.  So what's the future of my website, will set up a photography page and post up photos from events such as The Royal Winter Fair, when I go to the Autism Celebration when I take pictures of my booth and so forth. Also will be adding my Gaming Stream over on

Now your going to ask me, Chris what is going to happen with your interview with Justin and Diana from the Green Team well if they want to I'd be more the happy to feature the interview right here on  the blog. That hasn't been determined when it would happen but go follow them on Facebook:  Search Justin and Diana, Twitter & Instagram: @JustinClassic1 @LadyClassicOne  & follow their Racers Recap which is an awesome recap by search ClassicOneMedia! I encourage you to check it out!

Have a great rest of Your Sunday
