Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts

Monday, July 5, 2021

Do I Like Mondays?

              The big question is do I like Mondays? When I was still in school, I'm like talking Elementary, High School and also College days, I absolutely hated Mondays. Another week of classes, it seemed to have dragged on for the longest time. What I mean the school weeks seemed to go on for a long time, especially college years with long days that started at 5 am EST and ended like at 6 pm EST that is like 13 hour day at some points. Other days I finished either at noon for college or 2 pm at the most. A lot of the times, was 4 or 5 pm EST. It varied. With Elementary School and High School was a basic 820 am - 240 pm day half the time and I was home around 3 at some time as well. Yeah Monday's was a pain in the butt to deal with back then and I didn't like it. Here is another example getting up at 5 am EST for college as I had an 8 am class. I had to eat, get myself ready, pack my back, make lunch, get any of my books ready for classes and tutorial's in college and I believe that day I didn't finish till 6 pm that evening and wasn't home till like 730 - 8 pm as I had to transfer buses downtown.

             However now, Monday's is just another Monday for me especially now being in this pandemic. I start my days whenever I get up and that is if I sleep at night time as some nights are not that great at times. However I don't mind and when things ever get back to normal these are my normal days I see Eric on a weekly basis. However right now I am on standby to when he is ready to get back to a normal schedule. So I am keeping Mondays ready when he is ready to get back to that schedule and I am no rush. Either Mondays now isn't that bad, my days at this point are kind of numbered as everyday seems to be the same thing, day in, day out and it is hard to remember what day is what anymore. Anyways I hope you enjoy today's post and as always I will talk to you guys tomorrow morning on the next post!


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Feel Like Some TV Shows Are Meant To Be Left As It Is....

            Eric and I got into quite a debate yesterday about reboots and I want to talk about this honestly. I enjoy some of the reboots but some I just said nah, definitely not. I want to highlight some of them here on the blog that actually have worked and some that I have watched so here it is:


1) Fuller House: It was like a continuation the Tanner Family saga. This time instead of 3 girls Danny Tanner had, DJ has 3 boys. Also it was neat to see DJ, Stephanie and Kimmy 29 years later the show alone has been nostalgic from back the 90's especially.

2) Last Man Standing:  Another show I picked up with no problem and it was easy to get into and of course I found the show funny and I understood the storyline each week and cannot wait it returns for a 11th season.

Not Watching Or Shouldn't Be On The Air:

1) The Connors: After the whole thing with Roseanne the show should of just stopped. No spin-off nothing. I just think it was or better off to leave it alone after a while. Watched a bit and it just didn't feel the same honestly. 

2) Murphy Brown: A show that did well back in it's day but it didn't last as long with a reboot and this is part of it that they should of just left it alone. Like I said some work some do and this isn't part of it.

                Now those are some that I feel that work and don't work and honestly I hear rumors that they are planning on bringing back Frazier which was another popular 90's TV Show which it was said that they are honoring the actor who played his Father recently passed away. Now there is nothing wrong with that just my worry they bring it back but how long will it last? Some people do not like the idea of a reboot. They rather just leave the show alone honestly. What about some of the actors that has passed on, how can they work around that. However it wouldn't be the same with those actors that are no longer with us and passed away. However this is only my opinion and let me know what you think about TV Show Reboots in the comments below, are they great or not great and why. 


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Having Differences With Other People

                 In the last 11.5 years of doing Online Media, I've had my share of differences with my team when I was still a YouTuber and even being on my own there was creative and also differences between 2 parties or more. Now I gotta say before really digging into this blog, we all differences, it can be creative differences, it can be differences in opinions, depending what the argument is or differences you are having with your friends or it can even be family. 

                   First thing I would like to say about opinion differences, we all have our own opinion and we are entitled to an opinion and of course here in Canada it's called freedom of speech, as long as it isn't slanderous or defamation of character, or even hurtful and/or mean to the other party. Let's just say sometimes we agree to disagree but no need to throw insults or putdown to the other individual in the part. I've had my share of disagreements with my former team from back in 2007 which is very early in The Video Projects Team where one staff, he didn't want to end the day even though we were suppose to have a meeting but Missy was sick, which is totally understandable but to say were not done, technically you should listen, so obviously argument and differences were a major factor in this situation. I wouldn't call it a creative differences just different opinions were in the factor. It can be an idea or a opinion that sometimes can go the wrong way or it it is said in the wrong context and of course the other party will argue with you.

                    So finally, as I am shortening this blog for today, we all have differences and it is ok to have differences whether it is a creative differences or opinionated, it is Ok to have differences between parties, we have our thoughts and opinions and these things do happen and just have to agree to to disagree. We all go through our differences in opinions everyday life and it is part of our everyday life, in the end we put our differences aside at the end of the day.

Have a Great Day!
