Well with Big Brother Canada 7 finished for the season and it was one heck of a season and I know my picks were evicted but in the end I kind of figured it would be Dane and Anthony in the end and wasn't surprised that it was a 7 - 0 vote which is the 3rd unanimous vote in Big Brother here in North America. Who. First of all Dan from season 10 of Big Brother U.S 7 - 0 vote, Kevin from Big Brother Canada 3 and won the 5th season 9 - 0 and now Dane who won 7 - 0 vote this season. I was looking forward to this finale for the past few weeks and what an amazing night! I just didn't get to watch it with Larry but Dave joined us to watch the finale and then do the finale recap live on YouTube which I do have an announcement which is coming over the next couple of days. I made it clear with Dave if he doesn't go to the finale next year as I think more then likely there will be an 8th season of Big Brother Canada, he is more then welcome to actually come back for that next year as next year will be the 6th annual Finale Party... haha. Anyways, it was one of the best finales yet and I really enjoyed myself and I got something else to look forward to this week as well.
What is that you may ask? Survivor Edge of Extinction Finale is this week and this one I am on my own for that one but for right now I am decompressing from the last 10 weeks as I have been so busy with the podcasts non stop I am taking some time off this weekend from any work but hopefully by Tuesday, I am going to be back working on things for Chris B On The Web in time but for right now I am decompressing hence why the social is a bit more quiet but I am still around and posting here and there with updates but I think over the next couple of days, I will be probably doing some gaming over the next couple of days and decompressing from a busy 10 weeks but don't worry I am still thinking about what is next on the list for the Podcast and Chris B On The Web and I know what is next but like I said I need some time off right now and that is my # 1 priority right now but not far off from returning to normal work schedule.
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