Showing posts with label typical day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label typical day. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2020

What A Typical Day In The Studio Is Like

             A Typical day has at least 3 different scenarios depending on the day and my sleep patterns which honestly stink right now but there is 3 different typical days for me and here they are:

Scenario 1: Up around 3 - 4 am EST, and start with a blog post unless they are pre-written. Then usually working on other things such as planning out podcasts and recording, editing. Also a typical Podcast day where it has to go up that is a high pressure day to getting it recorded and edited. 

Scenario 2: Up half the night like the other night, in bed at 3 or 4 or sometimes 5 am EST working on things around the studio as I said in the first one but I would be up sometimes at 11 am to even 2 pm which gives me a late start of the day which honestly are my least favorite of the shifts but somehow I seem to manage.

Scenario 3: The final scenario is in bed at 6 pm all the way to 12 am, sometimes 1 or 2 am EST. Only reason I have been doing that to get work done and night time seems to be the most productive time for me in my honesty opinion.

               However I want to get back to going back to bed at 845 - 930 pm EST as this is getting ridiculous going to bed and being up early in the day so honestly I am going to make the change where I am going to be following Scenario 1 more then anything as that has worked in the past and it was a steady sleep schedule. Honestly tho my sleep has been a ton better but I think my sleep is the upmost importance actually. This is my 3 different scenarios but they vary from a  day to day basis depending how I feel as well so that is why our Facebook Page the private messaging to the Fan Page is set to away between Midnight and 9 am EST is because Staff here are most likely in bed and we will get back to you so that is what a typical that looks like.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Typical Day On A Podcast Recording Day

                If I so sleep at night as most of you my sleep is different from day to day where I am at with sleep but let's say I do sleep so early in the morning I come down to my studio get my day started write my blog post for the day, then get my AT2020 (Audio Technica) into position in front of my and put it upright until I am ready. Then usually I will put up the introduction to the podcast up first as for those who know I do the intro with a small voice over and talk over the intro theme at the appropriate time. If I am haven't seen Survivor like last night, then usually I will watch the show in the morning, when I get up and then get ready to record, as sometimes it takes me a half hour, hour at the most. Sometimes it is in the early evening depending if I got a busy day and unable to record early in the morning.

                   So after watching the episode whether it is Survivor, Amazing Race, Amazing Race Canada, Big Big Brother, Big Brother Canada, I get the mic ready, check levels to ensure they are at the right levels for the podcast and no distortion whatsoever. Also if I have a guest in the studio here, to ensure their mic is at the right level to their voices. I know there is a lot of technical mumbo jumbo crap but it is the key thing to recording a podcast. I take about 15 mins to check levels and do test run to make sure if need be.

                    Then I am now ready to record the podcast, so the podcast you guys know how it runs, 20 - 30 minutes, sometimes more depending how much I have in the way of notes or if I continue to ramble on non stop then it goes a little longer and sometimes I am well known for rambling on my podcasts but that's OK, I like to express my opinion, my analysis on the Reality TV Show, plus run times of a podcast can vary, especially if there is a guest in the studio at the time.

                     The final 2 steps I take is to edit out the dead air that is in the podcasts or parts that I do not need in the podcast that doesn't suit the podcast. Once that is done, I go to my main feed site, upload the episode to there, then go upload it and place the code in a new line at the top of the Everything About Reality TV Podcast Main Feed. Within an hour I post it up on social media, the group on Facebook and also on Twitter. That is my typical day of a podcast recording.

Have a great night!
