So I got some updates from the boss man and he feels great! He feels happy and good enough now to actually make his return to social media as of Monday morning you will see a lot more posts and updates from him. He is excited to returned and he tweeted a couple of posts after being off so it goes to show that he is indeed ready to come back and get back to making posts for you guys. He's starting to feel less stressed and feeling a lot calmer and maybe him taking a few days away here and there but again he's been active in creating and making content for you guys and including updating this website which I will be getting into tomorrow morning's post. There will be a ton to update for you guys to updates to hear on tomorrow's post and we can be honestly excited for it.
On tomorrow's blog post I will be outlining some of the changes that are being made and will recap what has gone on throughout this week which mind you it will be an long winded update for you guys tomorrow. We are remaining positive with the recent things that has gone in this week and we are just looking into the future. I think out of the updates website will be the most interesting out of all of the updates. You will see what we mean tomorrow and we are excited especially for the very near future. We are on the move but taking baby steps to what we wanna do for right now. We rather take our time then rush all these features especially on the website and when we have had issues. Yes tomorrow's post will have an announcement with the "Live" page as you know we haven't gone live nor release the page yet so answers will be given tomorrow's post.
Jim, Community Manager