Showing posts with label trying to lose weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trying to lose weight. Show all posts

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Weight Loss Updates [12-05-2020]

           I was on a good role with losing the weight but ended up gaining half of it back and no matter what I do how much less I eat, I always seem to gain the weight back. So I am gonna have to start restricting myself a bit more then usual. Just gonna have to cut back a tad more then I expected and that's OK. I was gonna come on here this morning and hope to report me being down at 231 pounds so I have to go back to work on it yet again but since today is my birthday, I wouldn't really worry about it for today as it is my special day but if I really wanna continue losing then I could but more then likely I will not eat much and at the point of me writing this post I didn't eat anything but again this is 430 am we are talking about. I'd like to get down to 222 pounds by the end of the year if possible but that might prove to be tough to do between now, my birthday and December 31st, 2020 but anything is possible if I work hard at it.

           I am not giving up and I am fighting the good fight. I am tired of being fat and yes I am sort of fat shaming myself which I shouldn't and I don't think I really am I am just stating the obvious but I am just so self conscious with my body now and that's OK to really be feeling that way to be honest.  However this week I wanna really work on this weight get myself down to 230 pounds first then the next goal is 220 but that is next year for the goal of 220 right now I gotta get myself back into the 220's to start with so I am going to have to restart or rethink things through before I put something in my mouth I guess but I will lose weight and for right now, I want to keep to every 2nd week for Weight Loss Updates not every week till I start really losing the weight and get myself down. That is my updates for this week and I will be talking to you guys on Monday's blog post.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

What Is This? A Weight Loss Update?!

               Yes, your eyes are not seeing things! Here is an weight loss update after a little over a month I guess but who knows how long it has been since I have thrown in an update but for those who are wonder, I have been struggling with losing weight. I was down to 229 again at some point but gained up to 234 but now I have actually lost 3 pounds and I find cutting back on food and sugary drinks has actually helped a ton and I am going to continue this journey and I know it's not gonna get easy especially when I get down to 222 again that is what got me was I was not losing anymore but I am going to work on it. My ultimate goal is 200 pounds for right now and that is as far as I wanna go for right now. However, first of all I have to get down to where I was originally and 3 pounds for the week is pretty darn good. I can say this, I will be happy when I am back in the 220's again. But focus is to get in there first and I think I am doing a pretty good job and maybe next week's update you guys will see me lose another 3 pounds and I will be in the 220's again. I am aiming for at least 1 or 2 pounds a week. However 1 pound a week is my ultimate goal, I do not wanna set a high goal at this moment. 

                  There is my update for the week and I am starting to feel a ton better abotu this weight loss journey and I am not letting myself getting anymore heavier then I am. I am heading downwards not upwards and I am ready to take the next step. This could be water weight this could just be weight coming off.  Either way I want to make a correction it was 3 pounds I have lost all together as I was 234 as I did the math incorrectly 234 - 3 is 231 which is where I was. I know my math has gone off recently but hey that's OK I wrote this at 4 am EST this morning so I was just waking up from my sleep as I passed out early last night. I hopefully will have another update next week for you guys with another update but you will still hear from me on Monday as tomorrow is my usual day off and my staff take over the blog with a weekly update for you guys. 


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Weight Loss Update [04-04-2020]

              I know I haven't updated lately on my weight loss journey and honestly I haven't done a weigh-in lately but I am pretty sure I am currently around the 226 - 225 pounds mark as I have hardly been eating much since being home due to the fact that I am stressed out 24-7, my mental health is taking a toll on me and there is just days I hardly eat anything during the day minus my dinners which isn't healthy whatsoever. I need to work on eating a bit more and been wanting to get into the smoothies more and use Vanilla yogurt again as I found it a ton better and more of a smoother feel when drinking it but still cannot go wrong with Milk as long as theirs no lumps in it as we have found our milk bags recently. Again another story for another time.  Tomorrow (Sunday) I want to actually do a rant blog and Monday I will tell the story about the weird looking milk that was fresh.  Anyways, I am not moving around as much but still going up and down the stairs on a daily basis. I rarely go out but the occasion I go out for walks but seem to not feel safe and the most part I am inside and have lost weight randomly. 

                This update, I know makes no sense whatsoever but the weight is up and down from time to time and I actually am drinking  a ton more water which will help and become more calorie aware on how many calories I have per day now.  I am going to take this time to try and get my weight down while I am stuck in this insane asylum which seems it won't be anytime soon where I will be able to go. I plan on even working out using my weights a bit and lift my 10 pound weights. Going to start doing pushup's, I'm going to start strengthening everything up. It is impossible to even go on the treadmill as it's a  mess in the studio on the other side of me and that needs to be cleaned up but if I do not feel safe going for full walks then I can always go with my mom if worse comes to worse really. They haven't locked us in our homes here from the government yet and all they ask is to stay home and stay safe. Maybe the fact I do not eat too much is the reason and the reason I do not eat much is cause of the mental stress I am going through, hence my weight is fluctuating up and down. However like I said tomorrow I am going to weigh myself and see where I'm at. So next Saturday, I promise another update and to really give an update as all I can really tell you guys is that it's fluctuating non stop. 
