Showing posts with label weight loss update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss update. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2021

Weight Loss Update [09-17-2021]

                   I know this hasn't been a thing for a while as my weight went way up by 14 pounds but that has changed since as I haven't been eating much lately and my weight has suddenly been going downwards. I weighed in as of earlier this week at 236 pounds and now sitting 3 pounds lesser then usual. I continue to lose the weight and cut back on things and I plan on continuing to lose the weight each and everyday. I think the not eating definitely had an affect in my weight which is technically good really and I just gotta keep up with it and I can look back at this post to do a count when I do the next update at the end of October time and hopefully by then I am in the 220's again within 2 weeks so I guess I am going for a 10 pound limit. 

                   However I think I wanna do an update end of every month as I do not wanna bore you with the updates every 2 weeks I think it will be more appropriate and that usually lands once a month depending so the next update would be more then likely Oct 29th on the Friday. I know I haven't said much about the weight loss but trying my hardest to lose the weight and wanna get down to 210 by my doctors appointment. My new goal is 200 pounds by end of the year but that may not be a thing or even possible as I have to lose 33 pounds in 3 months but if I continue to lose I can do it. Few things I should remember to do is cut out cookies everyday, any sweets, sugars and what not and I should be able to lose the weight a lot quicker if I cut out the fatty, sweet stuff I should be good. Anyways that is my little update on the situation and I will talk to you guys all tomorrow for the weekly update that is now on Saturdays so have a great rest of your day and HAPPY TGIF!


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Weight Loss Updates [12-05-2020]

           I was on a good role with losing the weight but ended up gaining half of it back and no matter what I do how much less I eat, I always seem to gain the weight back. So I am gonna have to start restricting myself a bit more then usual. Just gonna have to cut back a tad more then I expected and that's OK. I was gonna come on here this morning and hope to report me being down at 231 pounds so I have to go back to work on it yet again but since today is my birthday, I wouldn't really worry about it for today as it is my special day but if I really wanna continue losing then I could but more then likely I will not eat much and at the point of me writing this post I didn't eat anything but again this is 430 am we are talking about. I'd like to get down to 222 pounds by the end of the year if possible but that might prove to be tough to do between now, my birthday and December 31st, 2020 but anything is possible if I work hard at it.

           I am not giving up and I am fighting the good fight. I am tired of being fat and yes I am sort of fat shaming myself which I shouldn't and I don't think I really am I am just stating the obvious but I am just so self conscious with my body now and that's OK to really be feeling that way to be honest.  However this week I wanna really work on this weight get myself down to 230 pounds first then the next goal is 220 but that is next year for the goal of 220 right now I gotta get myself back into the 220's to start with so I am going to have to restart or rethink things through before I put something in my mouth I guess but I will lose weight and for right now, I want to keep to every 2nd week for Weight Loss Updates not every week till I start really losing the weight and get myself down. That is my updates for this week and I will be talking to you guys on Monday's blog post.


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Weight Loss Update

                 I have been bad with actually keeping up with weighing myself every few days and I should be weighing myself every couple of days to be honest and I haven't been recently. Last time I weighed I was 228 pounds, a little too much to be honest for my like. I want to lose the weight this summer and this week I am going to be working on this. I need to try and lose 3 pounds or even 1 or two pounds a week take it very slow. I am not making any goals for right now however if you were to ask me what would I want for a first goal well the answer is 220 is the first goal for right now is my first over goal. However I do not wanna go over that point as time and time again I failed to get to that point. Right now I wanna slow down my goals for right now and I have a couple of ideas for my next goal honestly. However I do not wanna push myself too hard, too fast. 

                However I wanna do things right this time and I am cutting back on Sugar and what not this time and not having too much Sugar. I will have the one fat day once a week but I may skip out on the one fat days actually and just try and lose the weight then I can add that on later on but the most part I need to lose the weight first and get back down to where I was before. I just am sick and tired of being fat and honestly its against takin effect to my knees again. I need to keep track of my weight every 2nd day and keep tabs on the weight loss from here on out. I need to work on this and this week coming up I plan on really working hard on this and cutting back on things and I am sure it will happen and hopefully another update in 2 weeks. I think 2 weeks apart is the better plan for right now. 


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Weight Loss Update-- I Failed To Keep Losing Weight....

                  I have been again struggling once again with losing weight and it is my own fault.  However I haven't really weighed in and haven't been eating much lately as I haven't been hungry or I have been in bed between 11 am and 1 pm EST everyday since I am up during the night majority of the last week or so. So it is hard to report on the progress of me losing weight right now and I need to first fix my sleep then I can work on the weight stuff. The one thing we have been bad with is the fattier foods and that hasn't really helped at all either. That is one other thing that needs to be fixed first. I'm sorry this isn't much of an weight loss update. I'm still fat as of right now and I'm not really afraid to say it either! LOL!!! Yes I know I am making fun of myself and I do that quite a lot and use to it.... ha-ha!

                 Moving forward if there isn't an update then I will not do any update and do a post on the Fan Page that there is going to be a different post. Honestly it is better then wasting your time reading a boring post, haha. Remember I have to remain positive with the weight loss as it won't be easy to lose it all and to be honest I haven't been walking much lately and it's my own fault but the problem is it is raining a bunch here in Ontario so walking is a bit of a problem and why the weight has recently fluctuated up and down so it really has shown especially in my belly sticking out and not many shirts fit so they remain on the bottom on the shirt pile. 


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Weight Loss Update [05-09-2020]

                           This will not be a long post as there is a lot of things that have to be done as we wanna continue on with the website stuff and I actually got this post and the podcast edited and posted up during the night as it should be up on the platforms by now. All I can say, I stayed up late working on it and getting it done and up. Anyways that is besides the point as technically and this is about my weight. Honestly I haven't been keeping an eye on it really, I haven't paid any attention to it to be honest and I know last time I weighed like Thursday morning I weighed at 227 pounds which I wanna get it down and I am going to. Just gotta really work on it. I wanna make myself more smoothies for breakfast and I just need to get my butt out for walks really and probably will do that today and take an hour of my time from coding the website which went on hold but I can take an hour of my time to walk and get fresh air. I admit to walking to the park and back but that's not really far to go and won't do anything for my weight seriously and my fitbit the wrist bands are broken and need to get them fixed so I do not know how to get the wrist bands off to begin with but I need my fitbit back up and running. At this point I cannot keep track of my steps which I was currently working 7000 steps or was it 8000 steps a day? I don't remember but it was long the line of that numbers.

                            Either way I have to get back into a healthy pattern and we have been having way too much fatty foods lately and it isn't healthy. I wanna first aim for 220 pounds first then I will be a lot happier. I have to lose 7 pounds to get there then onto my next goal but one thing at a time.  I almost didn't even wanna bother with a weight loss update and I could of had my team post up the post that went up almost at midnight last night. I know the timing isn't great but I try to get content out on time for you guys. I am almost tempted to do weight loss updates every 2nd week at this point but I will keep you up to date on things as I continue to try lose this weight. Anyways I will talk to you guys on tomorrow's post as I have a bit of an announcement to make. 

- Chris

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Weight Loss & Personal Update [05-02-2020]

              This is a two in one update for today's post. First with the Weight Loss Update. Now as you know, I have been trying to lose weight and honestly hasn't been easy whatsoever to lose weight and recently been down to 226 pounds but it seems to fluctuate and I need to remember I have to watch what I eat, especially in the evenings and yesterday I had Ice Cream with Butter Scotch and definitely not the right move but I should allow myself at least one fat day and didn't do that recently. So I have been fluctuating from 226 - to 228 and I really need to start losing the weight. I only had breakfast yesterday as I wasn't really hungry at Lunch time which is fine really. That sometimes makes a difference at times. However I am trying the hardest I can to lose the weight and to be honestly, I need to work harder at it. I will lose the weight don't worry even if I need to cut back on things like eating after dinner and not done much of that really recently. 

                Now the personal update that you guys are wanting to know. How have I been, dealing with being locked in the house pretty much almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week minus my weekly trips to the corner store and walks around the area? I am hanging in there, I am in good positive spirits. I am happier then I have been and honestly been busy with Chris B On The Web and preparing things which I will get into Monday on a post. I have remained busy with the website with website stuff. Other then CBOTW, I am staying inside playing games with my parents and going for walks with my mom or walking on my own for 30 - 45 minutes. Finally I have been watching TV Shows with my mom, Family Feud with Steve Harvey aka Baldy as I call him. So you can see I have been keeping busy and occupied and found myself playing games such as Grand Theft Auto 4 the main story, currently on the Lost Boys and the one with Tony in it. I will do a review when I have completed it.  Also relearned how to play Chinese Checkers and also Sorry as it has been ages since I played it, same with Rummi Cube I have had to learn how to play it again but I found the knack of it pretty fast. So either I am fine and very much healthy same with my family, were staying home and if we're outside were on our property for the most part minus shopping every week to every 2 weeks.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Weight Loss Update [04-04-2020]

              I know I haven't updated lately on my weight loss journey and honestly I haven't done a weigh-in lately but I am pretty sure I am currently around the 226 - 225 pounds mark as I have hardly been eating much since being home due to the fact that I am stressed out 24-7, my mental health is taking a toll on me and there is just days I hardly eat anything during the day minus my dinners which isn't healthy whatsoever. I need to work on eating a bit more and been wanting to get into the smoothies more and use Vanilla yogurt again as I found it a ton better and more of a smoother feel when drinking it but still cannot go wrong with Milk as long as theirs no lumps in it as we have found our milk bags recently. Again another story for another time.  Tomorrow (Sunday) I want to actually do a rant blog and Monday I will tell the story about the weird looking milk that was fresh.  Anyways, I am not moving around as much but still going up and down the stairs on a daily basis. I rarely go out but the occasion I go out for walks but seem to not feel safe and the most part I am inside and have lost weight randomly. 

                This update, I know makes no sense whatsoever but the weight is up and down from time to time and I actually am drinking  a ton more water which will help and become more calorie aware on how many calories I have per day now.  I am going to take this time to try and get my weight down while I am stuck in this insane asylum which seems it won't be anytime soon where I will be able to go. I plan on even working out using my weights a bit and lift my 10 pound weights. Going to start doing pushup's, I'm going to start strengthening everything up. It is impossible to even go on the treadmill as it's a  mess in the studio on the other side of me and that needs to be cleaned up but if I do not feel safe going for full walks then I can always go with my mom if worse comes to worse really. They haven't locked us in our homes here from the government yet and all they ask is to stay home and stay safe. Maybe the fact I do not eat too much is the reason and the reason I do not eat much is cause of the mental stress I am going through, hence my weight is fluctuating up and down. However like I said tomorrow I am going to weigh myself and see where I'm at. So next Saturday, I promise another update and to really give an update as all I can really tell you guys is that it's fluctuating non stop. 


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Weight Loss Update.... [10-12-19]

           I haven't gone any better with my weight loss and now sitting at 225 pounds probably gone up as of today but by tomorrow, I am going to start working on my weight again getting it down below 220 as I need to try and get to 210 by the time I see my family doctor as that is the first initial goal is to lose 15 more pounds before the doctor and then I can take the next step to lose another 15 - 20 more pounds at a time. I know and realize the time is now ticking to me losing the weight before my doctor visit in December and I just want to make sure I lose it and Sunday I am becoming very serious about the weight loss journey. I have let it get out of control again and I shouldn't be letting it get out of control honestly. Come tomorrow I am going to really put the focus in on it and I know I can get down to 217 as I was there last December. I think now it is much more difficult to lose the weight at this number then it is when I was at 239 but either way I am working towards it this week and it would be nice to get down to 222 - 221 in the weight this week. That is a first step then I want to lose the weight slowly not fast as it is not healthy to lose weight too fast honestly. 

            So tomorrow starts what will be a very long haul to finally get the weight down fully to my goal as I have been doing this for nearly 2 years and it is truly time to lose the weight and I just want this weight loss to be done and over with as it has been a very tough time to lose all of this. Again I think I am just over thinking things with it and I need to watch my calorie count is the upmost important thing to watch and I haven't been and I am going to and going to make an effort too today if I can as well. Anyways that is where I am at with it and the other point I want to make is I need to stop with the snacking and I try to have a treat for a snack every week for example this week I had some popcorn and was portion size which is another point I would like to make next but I try to have a snack at least once a week and I know with Thanksgiving it will be quite difficult but I plan on having a portion size of food this time around. Either way I am so willing now to lose the weight and get my weight down and to a healthy weight again as I am just tired of being fat and it hasn't helped my knees out as recently gotten bad so the sooner I lose the better it will be on my ailing knees so I am so motivated to lose it now.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Weight Loss Update [09-21-2019]

            I am now officially at 222.3 pounds which honestly surprised the heck out of me which I didn't think that I would get this far and back down to 222. Now the goal from here on out is to continue on and get myself below 220 that is my first goal before heading all the way to 210 pounds. I know I can do this and been watching the calorie count each and every day which is good.  Now my worry is that I will gain weight again tomorrow and it will be all thrown away but I am staying positive that it is possible. I can honestly say I really hope to start losing the weight as this has been on going for a very long time now I have been doing this weight loss and it is honestly difficult. Try going on 2 years to be exact and I have had it with this weight loss. However I wanna get down to 210 by end of the year is the first initial goal then from there I am planning to start getting below 210 but if I get down there before then I can start losing the weight before but I have to walk before I run technically. I honestly think now at 222.3 pounds it will not be as hard then I thought. I am just going to be fighting it till I am below the 220 mark and this could possibly happened this week coming up.

              All I really have to do from here on out is keep on watching my calories and that has been the big point I have made to watching out on my calorie count which is definite a plus with losing the weight and seems to be working so I need to continue with this method and as long as I stay in this point and if i gain a pound which has happened, no biggie with me as it will happen from time to time. Now I have started to cut back on stuff too and pretty much I have continued to portion size things for myself and that was the biggest issue I really have had in the past but it is not that hard to get it back under control. Best advice is to not let the weight gain bother me as it is normally just water retention. Also I have noticed I have made a ton more smoothies which is completely healthy. Now final point on this update is I do have my days where I still have a fat day which is fine which is a good thing to do every week, however, I think I want to cut back on the fat days however I can have a treat once a week or especially when my niece and nephew are over that is something I can do once and a while but not regularly.  Like I said I need to focus on the calories and something I have been paying a ton more to lately honestly. There is my update and I will do another one in 2 weeks time since I do not think it will be a good idea for a weekly update this way I can even focus on other posts on the Saturday on the opposite weeks.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Weight Loss Update

          This is the every 2nd week weight loss update and really no update as I am now still standing at 220.4 pounds right now. I have not moved as of right now. I guess you say, I have maintained the weight, however today, I will be eating out today while on my adventure so that will take a toll, however tomorrow (Sunday), I was planning Pizza  but I am having Pizza tonight for dinner so I am going to put the Pizza with him on hold. More then likely in April him and I will do it or the other option is Big Brother Canada 7 Finale which is too soon to talk about as the season is about to start soon. I just cannot go 3 days in  row eating out my weight change would go up and right now like I said before, I am at a good weight. Now if I weighed 175 pounds probably be OK but 3 days in a row is a bit much but it is my choice and Larry doesn't really know. I made that decision Larry and I do the Pizza but that was before the plan to be out all day came across. I will have to let my parents know of the change of plans for tomorrow. 

         I need to definitely watch my weight and start working on losing more and below the 220 mark but it is a lot of work to be done and I would like to get down to 200 pounds by the end of the year which is a really huge goal that I have but I am planning to do it and I know I can get there. I was down to 219 at one point. Monday I am getting serious about losing the weight. My journey starts on Monday for sure. I am excited to lose more as my knees are better, however I still have the occasional pain and aches still but the more weight I lose the better as it will indeed help the knee situation. I do not think I did a lot of damage as physio has done well and helped but still got a bit of pain but once I lose enough then I should be good. Starting this week, I am going back into my physio exercises I can do here at home 3 times a day to strengthen that core of my knee.  I got goals for this month and it would be nice to lose another 3 pounds this month. Remember I have 20.4 pounds to lose before 2019 is done so I have a bit of a way to go. If I lose more then 20 pounds that's even better for me.


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weight Loss Update [02-16-2019]

            I am excited to say that I am now in between 219 and 220 pounds which is accomplishment to maintain at this weight which means I can lose the weight further. I am taking things a little more seriously. I now can say my knees are a lot more at ease and the pain levels are much better that I am thinner and my goal is getting a step closer to being off this diet. You know it has been such a struggle with trying to lose the weight but this gives me a lot of confidence in the world. I feel confident I can lose the weight now and I wanna lose about 10 more pounds by the spring if possible. I shouldn't say possibly as it is possible if I make it happen and I am going to make it happen it is just going to take some time for me to lose the weight. I wasn't feeling good about myself and kind of let my weight get out of control again. I am not going to let that happen again, going to keep focused as sooner I lose the weight, the better.

              I really haven't been at this weight since a while ago like about a year and a half I was at this weight. I was there once then I went up to 222 or higher which wasn't good so it is not the first time I have been at this weight. As long as I remain confident and able to keep losing or maintaining this weight, I will be happy. My goal to lose a ton more weight is by my next birthday which I will be 34 years of age. However my bigger goal is to be at 200 pounds even by then. I know it is an outrageous goal to have but this is part of the motivation of losing the weight. The final goal weight will be once I am at 200 pounds.      There is a reason behind losing a ton of weight this year. It is not only my New Years resolution this year to become more healthier but also it is my goal to get on Big Brother Canada for Season 8 as long as they renew the series and if it isn't an All-Stars season then I will be happily auditioning for the show again.  Also the fact I am now thinner then I have been, my knees was another problem I was struggling with and unable to audition knowing I may have a problem competing in the competitions which I have to be able to win at least some competitions not float my way to the end of the game. So are my goals as of right now and I am very serious and wanting to lose the weight and these are a great start to my new goals for 2019 and I know I can do em if I put my mind to it, I know I can set myself up for success.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Weight Loss Update....

                 I have gotten back on the right track and I know I can lose another 4.4 pounds to get back down to the weight I was before I put some of it back on again which was a dumb move honestly but I'm really trying my hardest to lose weight. I need to lose another 11.4 pounds before my goal weight for the doctor in December. The next goal after that is 200 pounds on the dot. Then of course the last 30 pounds then I will be in fit shape and maybe, just maybe my knee will not be a problem anymore and I will be fine. Think that is part of my knee problems is me being over weight and I am just tired of being FAT.... That has been changed now and I look really good but I mean I fit into pants that I never fit into before so it is really nice change to wear clothes that actually didn't fit but now fit me now. I still got a ton of weight to lose and I know I can do it. Today I started a very strict diet of less sugar, less fatty foods, eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables more. Also for a snack I eat sunflower seeds slightly salted, I am watching my salt intake as well but a tiny of salt will be fine. I plan on going out more during the day minus the days that I have to record a podcast but again I am also trying to fix up my sleep situation as well so this way I'm up early enough to get the podcasts done on time this way I can get out and about and get the exercise I need as I set a certain amount of steps per day which I have achieved but I may have to take a step back with the amount of steps I take. 

                  This will be a long process getting back on my diet and losing the weight but at the end of the day I know I will feel better about myself and I already know I am feeling better already and I got this. I am doing this to improve the way I feel about myself and also with my knees which I think that is one of the on going problem is my weight is putting a ton of pressure on my knee which probably more then likely the issue I have been dealing with lately. All I know is that I need to lose weight so I do not have any other healthy or physical problems but it is more the physical problems I am having with my knee especially but the weight loss will sure do me some good. That is my update what I am planning on doing from here on out and I am sticking to the plan and moving forward I will get down to 215 pounds by my annual physical. 


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Back On My Diet....

                After a 4 day holiday away, I need to get back on my diet as my weight has gone up so I am currently working on fixing that right away as I need to get back on the right track with losing weight and my goal is get back to 222 pounds before this gets way out of control again and I plan on not letting it getting this out of control, I want to continue on with my weight loss journey as I plan to still get below 200 pounds again as I haven't been that for years now. I am only 3 pounds away from 230 again and trust me I don't want to be back at that point where I have to start my diet all over again from the start.

                We ate too good on the Grand Bend trip, I think the portion size was too much honestly, however I still got the food and I had smaller lunches. I guess vacations you eat like crazy but yet I swam a lot and I also hiked quite a lot too so that had a factor that I didn't go up by much in weight actually, I went up a pound but I am slowly going down. Now, I am not going to not eat, I have to eat but I need to portion size the amount I eat per meal and also eat the non fatty food and eating healthier is one of the bigger goals. My goal is to be above 1800 calories per day which has actually helped me lose the weight I need to lose. 

                 Finally I will continue on with my diet and I will work on continue on losing the weight and I want to get down below 200 and get a little smaller in my waist to fit some of my clothes that I cannot fit into now. This is a long winding journey but I am definitely on the way to losing the weight and I will not give up on it whatsoever. I will press forward with this but I should of not let it go this far up especially with eating out so often during the kitchen renovations but it is what it is and I will deal with it regardless!


Friday, July 13, 2018

Was On A Good Roll With Losing The Weight Again....

          I realized that I gained a bunch of the weight back with eating at the Mandarin Restaurant yesterday, yes I WENT out for Chinese food with the family which mind you it was nice to go out for dinner with family, I am all about being with family when I get the right chance and it wasn't like I gained a full pound because I didn't it was like 0.4 pounds I gained from this meal which isn't much, so it is not a big, big deal. I think this is just water retention from the food but it was delicious regardless. I am not stressing it, just going to start working on it again today and today I decided to do a fruit smoothie for breakfast starting tomorrow as this morning I wasn't too hungry at all. It was originally part of the diet before and I wanted to get back into making them again. As you know I have spoken on here about doing smoothies and the kinds I have made in the past. 

               However, I will correct this and plan on getting back down where I was before it gets way out of control and I am back up to 239 pounds which was my start weight on this diet. I cannot be this careless, especially now that I have gone pretty far on this diet to now quit on myself? No I am not quitting this diet and I will get down in my weight and continue on this journey as my goal is to get to 175 - 180 pounds. It is a long journey from now but I know I can do it. My first goal is to get myself to 200 pounds first to start with. I will make an exception for birthdays and special occasions still but other then that I am going to follow it. 

                 One last thing I am making sure to keep my calories and fats lower then usual. As for the calories, I am keeping it below 1800 calories and wanna make sure of that as that is a major asset to losing the weight too. I had help from my family obviously when it came to what the calorie count I wanna aim at each and everyday I continue to grind on this weight loss. Would be nice to be at my goal at the end of the year but I rather lose the weight slowly then super fast as it is not healthy to lose weight too fast! 


Monday, January 22, 2018

Weight Loss Update (01-22-2018)

                   Not much to report on with the weight loss, I am between 221 and 223 pounds, which mind you it is better then 239 pounds like I was before, but it is hard to surpass this number but I am trying my hardest and one goal I made is to have one fat day where I can eat whatever I want that is usually on Sundays as sometimes Larry pops over from time to time, depending on his schedule. 

                    I haven't really changed what is in my diet is with the amount of calories I intake everyday, trying to stay at 1800 as much as possible over the last little while but minus the one day a week I have for a fatty day but other then that I make sure I follow it to a tee and make sure I do not cheat on my diet whatsoever. My thoughts is, the faster I can get to my weight goal which is 170 pounds, the faster I do not have to worry about following my diet anymore. Trust me losing this weight has helped my right knee out quite drastically and I am not in as much pain as I use to be and sometimes I go weeks without problems which is a good thing honestly! Now I honestly try and avoid having bread as much as possible, but I do not cut it completely, I have my 2 piece of bread once a week, then usually down to the one piece, especially when or if it is toast I am having. One other thing I try and do is not eat after dinner unless its my lightly salted sunflower seeds or a fruit like a banana that I just finished up while typing today's blog post. 

                   One thing I could be better at is being out and being active and going for more walks and getting the exercise I need but I am always out and about almost everyday lately as things gotta get done, whether I need to run to Staples or go to an appointment or two depending on the day or what is on tap for the day. Yes I try to avoid eating out but if worse comes to worse, I at least grab half a sub from Subway but that is very rare of the time it happens. Sub isn't too bad anyways, as long its like a ham or turkey sub but other then that, that would be what I usually have but I am not a big Turkey fan so it would be a ham with mustard lettuce and cheese on it, sometimes red onions but again that is in the rare circumstances if I forget to eat and I am really starving. But other then that, the diet is doing well, slow but slow is better then losing the weight fast as it is not very healthy thing to do. Please note I am going to do these weight loss updates at the start of the month instead of weekly as things can fluctuate each and every week.  
