Thursday, May 18, 2023

What Will I Do With My Extra Time After July?

               The question is what will I do with my extra time? Well while I wait for Season 30 to be released each week, I will be probably start typing up notes for Entertainment Man Podcast to prepare for the future of the podcast. I have well over 100 ideas for the podcast and will work on it. Other then that, I probably will end up just relaxing and spending time with my friends and family a ton. 

                  I have no plans to work on future podcasts till 2024 as I have mentioned to Larry I'd like to spend a year or so working on a future collab ahead of schedule so all we need to do is record, edit and post. However this will probably not happen till 2024. Like I've said in the past The CBOTW Show isn't going to be happening till Power Rangers Collab wraps up with season 30 and we officially make the jump over to that podcast. I'm sure there will be some kind of special moment on the final episode to recognize you guys for always tuning in but for right now, I will have a ton of extra time on my hands and nothing to do and that is OK honestly I can use this extra time to de-stress and just focus on my regular podcast. I will stay in touch with Larry and I know him and I will be hanging out a ton and he will be in the loop when we return to recording together again. Hopefully it isn't a long hiatus before we get back into the swing of things. That is the post today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I Admit I've Been Stressed and Depressed...

            As you saw yesterday, I was a bit of stressed but also my depression has been bad since my grandma passed things have been all over the place and the fact I am now opening up a little over 2 months later, I couldn't hide the truth why sometimes, I have been either quiet or going off about stuff and to be honest I should of said something sooner not hide it by having my Community Manager stalling things for me and just telling you guys I needed space right now as I am doing personal things right now. That is the personal things going on with me right now. It will take some time for me to heal but I just need this drama to end as I cannot always be around, there is content to do and what not. 

               Not only that, trying to keep up with Power Rangers Collab hasn't been the best something always came up where I am unable to work on it. I have been trying and I want to get it done and finished by the end of July and why the schedule has been shifted about numerous times but we're getting there. As you know the anniversaries came first before anything else then June and so forth. Anyways that is what has been going on with me and the truth is out and for now on there will be an open door policy moving forward. I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Why Did The Group Disappeared?

            As you guys probably knew, we had a private Facebook group and I said had very lightly as it is no longer there on the website. This was because of the non sense drama that went on with the group, time and time again and people blocking me, the fan page and my staff. That is a little much to deal with in general. I am very, very annoyed and just the start of problems in this community. I am just fed up of the drama on top of having staff walk out and quit on me. You can see why I am starting to take away things. 

             Plus still dealing with the loss of my grandma, I do not need this garbage from people. I am not naming names but they know they are. I am just going to start blocking banning at this point. I know Jim and Larry have my back, along as my Admin and Moderators and the members of the new Discord server which you can now find it on the right hand side with the blue and white logo at the far right of all four logos that looks like it has two eyes but either way it is an open community but drama free. There are rules to follow. That is my rant post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Monday, May 15, 2023

Getting Back To Normal Schedule

             This week, getting back into sort of a normal routine after a busy, emotional week. I cannot promise everything will return right away like today but give me till Wednesday or Thursday and then things should be back to normal by then. As you know I have been busy with personal things recently and not made much time for work but doing smaller things on a smaller scale for ChrisBOnTheWeb and the last month almost 2 months, my Community Manager Jim has been filling in on updates and posts.

            Also this means I haven't really been active on streams and hope to get back to them a week Saturday as I have been away from them for quite sometime now. I need to get back into a routine and I am not going much further when it comes to travelling wise and am home for the most part now. This week I want to continue to work on seasons and inch us closer to the finish line of the collab so we can officially be down to only 2 podcasts not 3 as we have a lot on the go even though The CBOTW Show isn't currently active at this moment. Anyways this will be an interesting week and I will as always talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, May 12, 2023

How Many Topics Do I Have for the Podcast?

            So you probably wondering how many topics I have for Entertainment Man Podcast? I have well over 100 topics for ideas and ended up with more then I could chew but that's OK, I am happy to say the podcast is going to be sticking around for a while longer. The more interviews it just extends the topics I have which is wonderful news honestly. It is just a regular routine for me with the interviews and there has been weeks where I had a ton of em. 

          However with extra time, I do the topics and really wanna dive into them a bit more and I want to make the time and an idea has come to me but I have well over 100 different ideas. This comes from conversations I have had with you whether it was in DM's or comments on Social Media or through the interviews I am always got some new ideas that keeps this podcast fresh and always different on the episodes I do topics. So there is your answer, as always I will talk to you all on Monday, have a great weekend!


Thursday, May 11, 2023

New Studio Looks Great!

             Now a little over a month or 2 now, the CBOTW Studio is busier then ever with two desks and now 2 computers in the studio itself. It is a very busy and hectic studio space with the limited space but it is a good busy space and I have been going back and forth from the new computer to the old one for certain things like editing the video side of things of the podcast to typing and creating notes for podcasts on Microsoft Word. My vision for this studio is exactly what I was thinking when I envisioned this.

              But about minus a few things such as the desk is half on the rug and the stool is hard to move around at times. However there is only certain space in here we can use and I do not want to take up Larry's or the guest mic space whatsoever and there can be room for a shift in the main desk possibly and moving it right a tiny bit so my big chair doesn't bang or the other idea was to get rid of the side wheelie desk perhaps and move my grandmas desk over a foot but not sure if that will work much so for now I am leaving everything as it is for now. Anyways that is the post for today I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Won't be Playing on My Minecraft Server Much Anymore...

               The title doesn't lie cause I will not be playing much on my Minecraft server anymore as I am out of ideas and the world has just become way to big at this point but you never know I may end up logging back into it down the road who the heck knows. There is only so much you really can do in the world to be quite honest and I have thought about an underground railway but this means aligning it with the current and it would have to go under the house itself meaning my house so that has been scrapped all together. So I'm not sure what I'll honestly do with the game moving forward.

                 I may try modded world single player perhaps or really get into the Lunar Client some more see what I can actually do in that game. I am just discovering things and started to explore underground. Not exactly sure the purpose of the game right now and it is a stripped down of the normal vanilla Minecraft as it doesn't have certain things like netherrack and I do not even know if it has a Nether portal and this is all things I truly need to discover but I want to upgrade the house at some point to cobblestone at the most but need the materials to do that. So that is the post and what I am planning with the game in the future but I think I am going to not play it as much and focus on other games in the meantime. As always I will talk to you all tomorrow!
