Showing posts with label College Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label College Radio. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Favorite Memories of College....

                 Since it has been nearly 9 years since I left college now, I thought now would be the most appropriate time to step up and do this post about my favorite moments in College and to be honest, I do not think I did a post and I cannot remember if I did out of the 1200 + posts that have been done. However here are some of my most favorite moments in no logical order:

Riot Radio: Was an honor to be a part of the Campus Radio Station was one of the first visual radio stations I guess out of College Radio Stations in the country or even Ontario but I forget. I remember when I ended up awfully sick with barely a voice but I managed through a really rough show. This was also the early inspiration for what I am doing now, podcasting and having a passion for being behind the microphone and a lot has come back to me the do's and don't which I could do a podcast on technically. 

Working Out In The Gym/Basketball: We had this thing were we got to go to the gym and shoot some hoops in the gym. I never got to work out on the machines upstairs during my time in College.

Dinner At the Campus Pub: I had dinner with my fellow classmates and other students on the campus and I got to try fried pickles which honestly was delicious! I really enjoyed it and the first time I have had it.

Ridgebacks Hockey Game: For those who didn't know, my college I attended also had an university on the campus as the College and once again I got the honor to see a Ridgebacks hockey game which University hockey is very exciting to watch.

                    There is my list and I am sure there are other moments on campus I can mention such as several videos were made for my YouTube Channel, including an interview with Justin, Larry and the rest of them which was amazing really, I had fun doing it in the process.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Took What I Learned At My College Radio Station and Using It For Podcasting!

             I know it has been at least 8 years since I left College all together and yes I was On Air at their college radio station. So I do have experience in internet radio. However I haven't done radio in 5 years and been mostly focused on podcasting. I have actually taken what I learned from the program director and have started utilizing it. I've taken not having my face too close to the mic and even working with my levels. This is why today I always do sound checks and I can do that with podcasting as for radio you can not as you will have your voice broadcasted over the air but depends on the program you use whether you are Video or Audio ONLY. What I have learned from College Radio is having a script helps a lot and you have to make really good script or notes to what you wanna say on the air. I find it a ton easier to say and you have structure to your shows. Now if your wondering what kind show I had it was an easy listening kind of show. easy rock show, nothing too hard core. I know I have notes still from when I did the show but I was all over the place with genres and now I know to stick to one genre.

              I'm getting a little off track aren't I? Anyways I am proud of myself and being on a College radio station really brought my confidence and ability to host a show whether it was YouTube, Everything About Reality TV or Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Podcast. This is why I am doing Entertainment Man Podcast is because I want to take all of this knowledge and bestow it upon the new podcasters who are starting out. I wanna help you guys as I have learned from the Program Director when I was an On Air Personality or Host with them. Finally I wanna say I was still in touch with him up to the last year or two then he isn't on Twitter anymore at this moment but I am forever grateful for everything he has done for not just me but all the on air hosts at the station. It will be a memory to have this opportunity to be on the air and it will always stay near and dear to my heart for the rest of my life.
