Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Learning. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Took What I Learned At My College Radio Station and Using It For Podcasting!

             I know it has been at least 8 years since I left College all together and yes I was On Air at their college radio station. So I do have experience in internet radio. However I haven't done radio in 5 years and been mostly focused on podcasting. I have actually taken what I learned from the program director and have started utilizing it. I've taken not having my face too close to the mic and even working with my levels. This is why today I always do sound checks and I can do that with podcasting as for radio you can not as you will have your voice broadcasted over the air but depends on the program you use whether you are Video or Audio ONLY. What I have learned from College Radio is having a script helps a lot and you have to make really good script or notes to what you wanna say on the air. I find it a ton easier to say and you have structure to your shows. Now if your wondering what kind show I had it was an easy listening kind of show. easy rock show, nothing too hard core. I know I have notes still from when I did the show but I was all over the place with genres and now I know to stick to one genre.

              I'm getting a little off track aren't I? Anyways I am proud of myself and being on a College radio station really brought my confidence and ability to host a show whether it was YouTube, Everything About Reality TV or Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Podcast. This is why I am doing Entertainment Man Podcast is because I want to take all of this knowledge and bestow it upon the new podcasters who are starting out. I wanna help you guys as I have learned from the Program Director when I was an On Air Personality or Host with them. Finally I wanna say I was still in touch with him up to the last year or two then he isn't on Twitter anymore at this moment but I am forever grateful for everything he has done for not just me but all the on air hosts at the station. It will be a memory to have this opportunity to be on the air and it will always stay near and dear to my heart for the rest of my life.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

We're Still Learning!

                I know late last night, I was tweeting out that we had a mishap with the website which Mark will talk about on tomorrow's post but I wanna make it clear that we're still learning about coding and CSS code and any other type of coding that we have actually have put onto this website. It's a learning curve with this. Trust me it's always work in progress. However over the last year, we've learned a lot about coding and website building. Neither myself or our web admin went to school for any of this. We practically learned from YouTube and Google how to put together some of the pages that you see on the website. Also the menu bar was all built from scratch which we got the code from online but customized it to our liking which has been tweaked time and time again. I love to learn and our web admin isn't the only one that works on the site, I also work on the website so he's not the only one that works in the backside of the website that works on it. 

                Either way I love to learn about new things and it has been quite a learning curve but we appreciate the patience and honestly we don't think you guys noticed really and this happened to be us that noticed the changes within the website, actually it was me as I was going through pages in the backside of the website and I saw the Special's page and went onto and noticed there was no special. So I talked to Mark and he said sounds like the CSS issue but I'll let him explain tomorrow. However the point I wanna make is that we're learning and we have to make sure the site look really good and just be patient. The advice we can is report the issues to us via Social DM or Either way we continue to learn and grow and we appreciate the patience you have had with us. 


Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning Basic Poker With My Mom!

            For those who don't know on my downtime that I have between the workload which mind you right now it is very limited what I can do and photocopying is not in the plans right now as you guys know I am going into a week stuck at home and sounds like I will be stuck here at home for quite sometime now.  However as you know I have spent sometime with my parents. Quite a lot of time and been shutting down the studio for hours on end to spend time with them. I haven't been to church as the masses been cancelled, however I have started to watch the mass on Facebook or the St. Micheal's Cathedral website so either way I get the mass on a daily basis. Now the title of this post is not what I have been up to lately, it's more like I have started to learn how to player straight up poker on my spare time and honestly, I have become extremely good at it too. I have learned so much and I can see why I am honestly a fast learner at anything that I do. However I plan on calling my grandma to ask her a question on the game but I am for the most part pretty smart what I need to throw away and what I need to keep to try and get the better hand.

             Either way I am definitely having fun with it and I have played before as this isn't the first time I have played the game but my mom had to reteach me how to play the game so I had an understanding. We had one round where we actually had an open hand which means our cards was visible to one another.  However after the first round, I picked up very quickly and since then have done well since. It is fun and honestly I am not ready for any kind of poker like Texas Holdem yet but maybe in the very nearby future. I am sure today I will be playing a round of cards with my mom and who knows I may actually go out to see my grandma with my mom and maybe that will bring my sanity back as I haven't been far in the past week and to get into the car would be nice but that is besides the point of this post. I wish I had old pennys which isn't used to just use em like poker chips and see who gets more as a more of a challenge but we can always check and see what we have. I may somewhere have a poker set and with chips and I can always steal them from that but will have to wait and see honestly. Either way it is definitely a fun game to play and does get rid of my boredom fast.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

I'm Learning, I'm Trying New Things Out!

               This year has been a great year, not just because I have become a successful podcaster but the fact I have tried new things lately and I am proud to say, it feels great to have tried new things. Yes I realize the blog posts haven't been consistent but I am truly trying to bring out the blogging content to you guys as much as I can. 

                I have learned so much about scheduling, keeping to a timetable with regards to the podcast side of things recently. I have either been a day behind or right on schedule. I know there will be a day where there will be 3 podcasts in a day due to the fact I will be out of town either Apr 5th or Apr 12th, 2018 out in the city of Toronto with my former Staff Dave. But other then that, I am very much on schedule with the podcasts. Now website wise, I have learned so much, when I tinker with the website the favorite icon at the top of the website disappears, goes to 000webhost logo or blank. So what I have learned is I have to remove the physical file from the site, re-uploading the icon once again and yes the icon is 100x100, then it works once again. I am not sure if it is a web builder issue or if it has to do with the size of the icon that is beyond me but I figured out a quick fix. Also this week I have been testing out the chat feature but obviously it has been removed as it wasn't getting many hits but thats OK with me, however, I learned through fixing glitches and bugs on the website like turning off the sound for the chat messages, figuring out the size within the code in the back end as well. 

                   Finally for today's blog I have finally learned to try new things out and as you guys know The CBOTW Show Podcast has popped out of nowhere recently as I made the announcement that it has joined the list of Podcasts on and I thought, you know its been nearly 2 years now since starting Everything About Reality TV, so I thought, I got the offer to RECAP Music City from CMT, why not. At first I said no thanks as I had enough on my plate but as of now, I am grateful to be doing it. I shouldn't be afraid to open up and try new things. I just said on Twitter, I am open to advertising on either my website or any of the 2 podcasts, I am running right now. I shouldn't be afraid to try new things and if it doesn't work out then thats fine, but if it does thats great. I am glad I am now open to trying new and innovative things!


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Why Do I Want To Go Back To School?

            There are a lot of reasons, why I wanna go back to school and I am going to talk about it in today's blog post, now that I got time to start writing blog posts earlier with the completion of the website re-building process. 

             The first reason I would like to give you all for the reason I want to return back to school is I wanna learn, I want to expand my education, I want to learn something that can help me get a job out there in the working world, even if I work from home in the long run. Now what am I planning to take? Well, I am planning on taking web design, as you all know I have been running a website since 2008/2009 and learned the HTML, Javascript and IFrame on my own via the internet and also YouTube as well. 

             The next reason I wanna give you is finding work here in Ontario and/or Canada is not overly great, it is a tough world out there to find work, I am lucky I had that 4 week job trial but unfortunately quitting after 4 weeks or the contract came to an end. I have made going back to school my number priority to eventually go back to school if finding a job doesn't work out for me.  What steps do I have to take to get to this step? well, I have to possibly go back to high school class for college English in order to apply to the program I want to take at a college but that's OK with me though. It takes baby steps and I know I can get through these small bumps and then move into the world of being a college student once again for the 2 year web design program. It would be our local college I went to for the CICE Program as it would probably fit me better, however I could do online studies from another college from Toronto but not sure if it will best suit me if I did online studies.

              I may have had not many reasons for going back to school but the one reason is to try and start earning a living, moving out on my own, being on my own, hopefully get a girlfriend one day. But the most important thing is I want to better my skills at building a website and learning new elements to building a website.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Have I Taken Anything, That I've Learned from My College Program/Classes?

              So the question of the day is Have I Taken Anything, That I've Learned from My College Program/Classes? The answer is yes! I have learned so much when in the Community Integration, Throughout Cooperative Education with learning different skills that will make you successful in the workplace to the field you chose when entering your 1st year in the program. 

                I want to start with the CICE Seminar classes I took, I learned how to deal with certain safety hazards, to situations with your co-workers. Also another major component of the program's course CICE2000, CICE3000 & CICE4000 was field placement and going to work in the field you are studying in but I only had 1 of 3 that were in a media field, which I will get to shortly. 

                Next I would like to talk about the Media side of things I have learned so much from the media world, such as history of media, the different areas of media, video production, Radio (which I will talk more in another post), photography which is now my basic thing when it comes to these blogs, going from event to event, whether it is local or out in Toronto I am very, very active within the community. I love taking photos and I have become good at working the digital camera, would like to in the nearby future, to get an SLR but that will never happen, but I can keep on dreaming, the digital is easier to carry around in it's case anyways.

                   In conclusion, I have took a lot what I have learned a  lot from the program and taken all the skills whether it is from CICE Seminar or my Media classes, I have taken what I've learned and adapt it when I was working for that short stint of me working and also in my field from the time I was still a YouTuber to the current era of my podcast career which mind you I love doing, I take what I have learned and adapting it and it's opened new doors and ideas what I would like to do in the way or work, which is web design, as I have learned so much on my own, I want to learn more and become a  web designer since I love using the computer.
