Showing posts with label help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2024

A Friendly Reminder When Emailing Us.

            I wanted to do a friendly reminder that when you are emailing us, to make sure you have the correct email that you are contacting us on. So if it is just a general inquiry wanting me on your podcast that would be the cbotwbiz, same goes if you want to come on Entertainment Man Podcast or The CBOTW Show there is emails for those as well. 

          Just remember to try and use the correct email if you can and if you are not sure then email we can most definitely direct you in the right direction. I know we have 3 emails and it is very difficult to know which email is what and we totally understand your frustration or confusion. It is just a friendly reminder and to help you guys with our emails that we have setup on the website. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, social media or email and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, January 31, 2022

Advice To Getting Your Computer To Run Faster

               Mind you, I am no computer expert, but as you know I have had my share of computer problems recently but I since removing a ton of things off my PC meaning programs that I never used anymore and boy it took me a while to take things. I can say for crying out loud I still had Discord and XSplit programs on my computer which is nuts. It was quite a surprise to be quite honest programs that I wasn't aware of whatsoever I still had from the past but in the end I found it that my computer has officially gotten a bit speedier and yes it still slows down and remember it is an older or oldish computer now more like 8 years and it has done a lot so I have a lot to be thankful for with this PC, it has worked countless hours, running almost 24 hours a day with the occasional nights off. 

                So the best advice I can give is clean out your PC get an external hard drive or USB drive and store some of your pictures or videos or audio on there. More you store away the better it is when it comes to the speed of your computer. I can also recommend to run your programs on your computer for anti virus and Disk defrag which is a huge thing but it is very important to run the programs once a week to ensure that you keep the computer speedy and fast. Again I know I am not a computer expert but that is the advice that I know of that can help you guys and it is important to make sure  you run all your programs to keep your computer and healthy. I regret to say I do not but starting to take care of it more as much as possible. That is my post for today and I will talk to you guys tomorrow as always! 


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Communication is Key!

              We had an issue with this account recently and we assure you Chris has given me access to posting and answering emails and Twitter Messages for the day as this is the second day he is off, due to personal reasons. Now to the post: Chris has graciously asked me to do this post as things have gotten very serious with ChrisBOnTheWeb and communication is definitely key.  You have to keep on communicating with your team members and do feel free to ask for help at sometimes and he's actually asked for help so there is a good primary example. No communication ends up a total mess and trust me ChrisBOnTheWeb has been there before and we're stronger then ever. Also leadership in the team situation helps a ton too when it comes to communication and strong leadership to what has to be done or what  is to be done so to speak and I feel like that has been a key factor. Friendships and family communicating is also important when it comes to trying to communicate things with your family whatever it may be.

               Communication is so important, especially when it comes into the business sense especially however communication is the up most important and even boss man admits it too, it is very, very important! To wrap up this post I want to apologize but we are swamped with work but hope this helps a bit and Chris and I were talking about this a bit and not communicating is bad and he knows from experience with previous team he had at one point and most recently with Larry with the issue of the tech issues and definitely there was no communication that night but it is what it is. Communication issues are fixable if both sides of the party want to fix the communication issues. It takes more then one to tango or in this case more then one to fix the problem. Anyways this is my post, hope you liked it, it wasn't much let us know if you have anything else you would like us to cover on the blog in the comments or private message us on FB, Twitter and Instagram and let us know. 

Arianna, Senior Advisor for ChrisBOnTheWeb

Friday, September 20, 2019

Being Consistent With Podcasts Is Key!

           I honestly cannot stress this enough with the lack of putting up my podcasts on time has hindered some of the viewership, especially when it comes to Everything About Reality TV. However I need to fix a few things and I am going to list it here on the blog:

1)   Staying on track for recording- After the disaster with Big Brother 21 and I would of continued if it wasn't for it being off kilter in the scheduling but definitely need to stay on track for recording whether it is the day of you are recording to edit and post up on the platform of your choice.

2) Have a schedule- Now I know with my Podcast it is hard as normally I record the day of but if you are not on as strict as a schedule as I am from 1 to a few times a week, I recommend to record a day or two in advance so this gives you some leeway with editing the podcast. Why you think I normally will record then edit then tell you guys with the collaboration podcasts.

3) Posting up on time is IMPORTANT!- Now I know at the start it is tough to stay on schedule at the start as that was a big key issue I have had over the last nearly 4 years of my podcast running but starting to get better and better but still have the occasional issues but sometimes you guys cannot control the tech issues with whether it is the mic, mixer, sound issues or the platform goes down on technical issues which I will address those on tomorrow's post actually as a bit of a Saturday throwback to the early days of Everything About Reality TV. However it is important to stay on the right schedule if you want to keep your current and earning more subscribers to the podcast. 

4) Good Quality- Whether it is audio only or video and audio only, quality is the up most importance. Good video quality is always the best 1080p if you do both video and audio. Finally the last point I want to make is a good quality especially with the Audio ONLY side of things and I had that issue at the start myself and also recently but that is fixed now so you guys can hear me a ton clearer but the point I am making, it is is imperative that you have good quality, meaning no distortion, or very low mic. I am very slim picky when it comes into quality these days and this is why I am making the post today for you guys.

              There is my list and I want to give back to the podcasting community now that I have been in this community for the last 4 years non stop so this is my way of giving back to the community. Like I said in one of my points, I will be doing an additional podcasting related post tomorrow talking about the first season I ever did for the podcast. Let's just say this is going to be a throwback but on a Saturday technically. I hope you guys enjoyed today's post as I enjoyed making this amazing post and like I said I am giving back to the community doing these kind of posts.
