Showing posts with label Growing Pains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Growing Pains. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Experiencing Growing Pains Again With ChrisBOnTheWeb

                 It is not exactly that's experiencing the growing pains, well yes it's growing the site has experienced a ton of growth but this time I am talking about Entertainment Man Podcast. As you know with the views growing on the podcast has equaled a bunch of issues and it is definitely some growing pains that I am experiencing once again. It is what it is and I just gotta tackle one thing at a time when it comes to these technical issues and luckily it has nothing to do with the recording, I think it's platforms cannot handle my crazy personality... LOL... Guess that is what happens when something you love doing continuously grows well you know what hits the fan and that's OK. That is why there is support emails to get help when something like this goes wrong like it has this week. 

                   I guess this is a bit of an update because what I am saying is the listens popped back up but the crazy stupid loop issue last I checked it was still looping at the end which it ain't me as other platforms are fine and the hard copy which I physically checked on my computer was just fine all together. So definitely is a Stitcher. It is nice I am keeping you guys in the loop and when I said I wasn't going to promote it, I meant it. That is me refusing to promote the platform cause I do not need YOU guys to listen to a dumb loop at the end. I thought about actually recording it to show you guys one day what happened but thought however decided to not do it. I have supported Stitcher for nearly 5 years now and haven't had an issue with them since the earlier years which is now behind me. However I plan on promoting Player FM instead at this moment and starting this weekend I will be promoting it and already started changing the links around ahead of schedule and yes I checked the links. 


Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017, A Year In Review!

              So here is my own year in review and what I thought of this year alone. I thought honestly, this year was an interesting year. Full of drama, friendships gone, people turning on me but I can say this year has been a productive year for me as I have been very much active with Chris B On The Web and I admit, this year is a year of change and I am quite happy with what went on this year. 

                This year saw a whole pile of changes that went on from the CBOTW Staff being dissolved entirely was the best move I have made as I became a happier person and trust me I have gotten so much work done in the entire year including the anticipation of the upcoming road to the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV which is close but will obviously not happen this year but I pushed the envelope to hopefully get to it or at least get close to the 100th episode. Well 9 episodes to go, I am going into 2018 with the intention of recording the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV and I am excited for it. Also I started making plans to start collaborating with friends and fans of Chris B On The Web and I executed the plan in 2018 to start collaborating and now you guys know and I know what the plan is as I blogged about it recently and it will be an exciting upcoming year! This year, I wanted to focus on podcasts and blog posts and the events I go to each and every year! Speaking of events, I decided not to return to the Greek Festival due to it being so busy, being pushed around and people telling me off when they were in my way. Also this is the first time in 2 years I decided to not to go to the Autism Celebration and part of the reason, as I ran out of money and there was so hassle in 2016. But I do or would like to go back but not entirely 100% sure if I will be back. Just recently I kind of was thinking, I am going to give my spot to someone else, I have been doing this for years on end, but don't get me wrong, I enjoyed going each and every year and if I was to go back, I have a few ideas in my mind if I do plan on going back. Also I made the decision to allow Larry into the blog as an alumni but we haven't seen him blog yet but he will be soon enough.  Also I saw the growth of both social media's, Facebook Group & Twitter for Chris B On The Web, almost 3200 followers on Twitter and currently standing on the Facebook group 33 members strong! The CBOTW Army is growing and growing fast!

               This year was a very productive and busy year for me and trust me you have not seen nothing yet and no I am not quoting the song lyrics from the song but I am very content what went on this year and I looking forward to 2018 and what is to come for Chris B On The Web. Have a Safe and Happy New Year and be sure to lookout for my New Years Post on New Years Day.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Update On The Re-Build of Chris B On The Web &!

First of all I had one other blog to post but I can put that on hold till tomorrow because I really want to get this post out on an update. As you guys know ever since departing YouTube it has been a hard to rebuild the website from the ground up. Also having to deal with problems with my team, it hasn't been easy on the stress on me since two individuals no names mentioned quit last year which was the downfall of my YouTube career.

So now the changes: Even more problems have occurred recently with my staff. I hired 2 people and very little lack of communication, I ended up letting them go because of it. I have 1 more and they got warned I am pulling the plug June 1st, just so frustrated with my team not doing their role within my team at this point. So Staff here at Chris B On The Web isn't all smiles and laughs but it is slowly coming together. But with the change in staff once again, I think the 4 of us can handle what needs to be done and the Staff seems more steady now then it has been for in the last week. Now as you guys know, I've had my share of issues with Over the last month with it being up and down quite a lot. First it went down for major work to be done, I brought it back online in time for my podcasts to growing once again. Then of course the website went down once again due to a server issue which isn't surprising to me at all. The 000webhost servers has it's own issues once and a while but the site itself is back up and running and is running nice and smoothly now.

So between site issues and staff issues, it has been a busy last month and I ensure you everything is alright and I know the problems have been resolved and slowly making a plan to what I would like to do with ChrisBOnTheWeb and I got a meeting with Staff this upcoming week to what I would like to do. at this point. Finally I would like to say thank you for your patience through this tough growing pains of my website and Chris B On The Web and I think we are on the right track right now. 

Have a great Saturday!
