Showing posts with label Home Improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Improvement. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What TV Shows Do I Want To Watch During Quarantine?

                Trust me while we are still in Quarantine or Isolation whatever you guys want to call it, what show do I want to watch during Quarantine? Well I have completed almost two seasons of Survivor; I have completed Survivor Amazon and have or still working on Survivor Philippines at this moment. Anyways here is my list and there is no order really.

Survivor: Season 9, Survivor Vanuatu; Season 13, Survivor Cook Islands; Season 5, Survivor Thailand; Season 3, Survivor Africa; Season 8, Survivor All-Stars; Season 11, Survivor Guatemala.

Super Store: A show, Eric actually introduced me to, all I know it is a Comedy or American Sitcom so I will have to wait and see if I like it. I gotta watch 6 seasons to get all caught up with.

Facts of Life: Another show I wanna watch from start to finish and really I need to watch the entire series from start to finish. I have seen episodes in the past and really enjoyed them.

Last Man Standing: As I heard the series is sadly coming to an end after a lot of seasons and I wanna watch it from start to finish and another big series to be caught up on and I am sure I will get to it eventually between working on Power Rangers Collab Stuff too I'm sure. 

Home Improvement: Working on this series currently and laughing hard at Tim's stupid comments and shenigans and always a great laugh to have honestly. 

 Monk: Wanna watch it from start to finish once again as watching the YouTube channel is wanting me to watch the entire series again for old time sake.

Super Girl: I have seen Seasons 1 - 3 so far and I need to watch Seasons 4 & 5  on my list so I am ready for the 6th and final season which has already started taping the final season as I know of according to Eric.

War Documentaries: I have DVD's from my uncle about the World War and they are quite interesting and are on top of my priority list so I can get them back to him soon as possible.

Amazing Race 7: I wanna re-watch this seasons as I am a Boston Rob and Amber fan since All-Stars and I wanna hear his infamous "THAT'S TOO BAD!" line in Episode 1. That was a great season honestly.

                There is my list and sorry for a very endless post and I can get to these shows and get them done and this list can get smaller and I can start another list unless we continue to be in quarantine and I am sure it will be for a while now so least this gives me something to do on my extra time besides working on Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as once I finish Dino Thunder, I will not be working on that till February.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Favorite Episodes of Home Improvement

             Today's blog post is about my favorite Home Improvement episodes which is IRONIC, because I am currently watching the series between that and Big Brother Canada which I flip flop between the two shows in the day, depends the mood I am in. Anyways here is my list and there is no particular order:

1) Tim Gluing His Head To The Table: That was hilarious and typical Tim to glue his head and they had to saw around to actually to get him off. The jokes that were made while he had  asmall piece of the table stuck to his head.

2) Tool Time Mans Kitchen: Part of that show within a show's 5th Anniversary they built the man's kitchen and Al's remark "Maybe We Should Get Jumper Cables and Hook It To Another Kitchen" comment.

3)  Al Hosts Cooking With Irma: Al took over Cooking With Irma for a week and has Tim as his assistant and making stupid middle names for him. Kind of a role reversal from Tool Time. Al actually screwed up at towards the end of the episode in a typical Tim fashion. I love how Al said Tim "Doesn't know Gumble from Gumbo Taylor" when he introduced Tim.

4) One of The Halloween Episodes: The one Halloween episodes where the 3 boys are dressed up as Moe there was no Curly or Larry, they all were Moe apparently and it was very hilarious to see actually.

5) Grease Lighting Inspired Episode: The episode that Tim shows off his newly built custom car in an Tool Time episode where he showed off the completed car. One of my other favorite episodes of all time but I love every episode they came out with.

               There is my list and again I have said this in the past I cannot mention all the episodes I enjoy as this post would be endless and honestly this post has been long enough for you guys as it is. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed today's post and I will catch you in tomorrow's blog post.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Laughter Is The Best Medicine!

So I was sitting at my desk when I got home from my appointment at 1 pm EST and was trying to figure out what to write about but I thought I'd like to talk about laughter. You know when you are feeling down and/or depressed personally I will go watch:

1. Three Stooges
2. Laurel and Hardy
3. Family Feud with Steve Harvey
4. Home Improvement
5. Watch clips from a funny movie through the's YouTube channel.

Laughter keeps you smiling and it lifts your not so happy mood into a good mood again. Even think about this: you can even put on your most favorite comedy movie and you I ensure you will be laughing the entire movie from start to finish. They also say laughter is very good thing to do and you cannot be serious all the time like someone I knew and use to be my friend. I know some people cannot take a joke and take it seriously. Life is too short to be serious and you need laughter in your life and I think that is one of keys to a healthy and happy life.

Have a great night!
