Showing posts with label Super Girl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Girl. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What TV Shows Do I Want To Watch During Quarantine?

                Trust me while we are still in Quarantine or Isolation whatever you guys want to call it, what show do I want to watch during Quarantine? Well I have completed almost two seasons of Survivor; I have completed Survivor Amazon and have or still working on Survivor Philippines at this moment. Anyways here is my list and there is no order really.

Survivor: Season 9, Survivor Vanuatu; Season 13, Survivor Cook Islands; Season 5, Survivor Thailand; Season 3, Survivor Africa; Season 8, Survivor All-Stars; Season 11, Survivor Guatemala.

Super Store: A show, Eric actually introduced me to, all I know it is a Comedy or American Sitcom so I will have to wait and see if I like it. I gotta watch 6 seasons to get all caught up with.

Facts of Life: Another show I wanna watch from start to finish and really I need to watch the entire series from start to finish. I have seen episodes in the past and really enjoyed them.

Last Man Standing: As I heard the series is sadly coming to an end after a lot of seasons and I wanna watch it from start to finish and another big series to be caught up on and I am sure I will get to it eventually between working on Power Rangers Collab Stuff too I'm sure. 

Home Improvement: Working on this series currently and laughing hard at Tim's stupid comments and shenigans and always a great laugh to have honestly. 

 Monk: Wanna watch it from start to finish once again as watching the YouTube channel is wanting me to watch the entire series again for old time sake.

Super Girl: I have seen Seasons 1 - 3 so far and I need to watch Seasons 4 & 5  on my list so I am ready for the 6th and final season which has already started taping the final season as I know of according to Eric.

War Documentaries: I have DVD's from my uncle about the World War and they are quite interesting and are on top of my priority list so I can get them back to him soon as possible.

Amazing Race 7: I wanna re-watch this seasons as I am a Boston Rob and Amber fan since All-Stars and I wanna hear his infamous "THAT'S TOO BAD!" line in Episode 1. That was a great season honestly.

                There is my list and sorry for a very endless post and I can get to these shows and get them done and this list can get smaller and I can start another list unless we continue to be in quarantine and I am sure it will be for a while now so least this gives me something to do on my extra time besides working on Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as once I finish Dino Thunder, I will not be working on that till February.


Friday, May 1, 2020

What Happened To My Super Girl Reviews?

                        I know it's been at least almost 2 months since I have done a Super Girl review as you know I have been watching the series and recently tried and watch Super Girl Season 4 and I found it, well honestly I found it confusing to follow along. I also found it strange and just finding it hard to focus on the episodes and that is why I decided to stop watching the series after 3 seasons. However if you guys or even my friends in real life talk me back into watching it, I will be back with them but right now I have decided to not do another review as of right now. I can also say that I tried to watch 2 or 3 episodes of the 4th season and just lost interest right away. Not sure tho why, I could of been in one of my not so good moods I.E cranky moods as you know we have been home non stop lately.  But there is no reason why I cannot give it another chance and you never know, I may just give it another chance and try finishing off Season 4 and then get to this current season.

                    So the idea of more reviews of the seasons aren't over yet and with us still in quarantine, I may throw it on and watch it on my extra time despite I have to get working on Power Rangers but I can mix and match while I watch it. I probably re start as I only watched a couple of episodes but it will take a lot of focus to watch it and try and actually get back into it as like I said it may take me some time to get back into it but if I do not manage to get back into it then there is really nothing I can do. I do admit I enjoyed the first 3 seasons but it has become just strange for me but I am all for second chances and I am going to give it a shot again. That is my small post and cannot wait for an weight loss update blog tomorrow as I have been moving up and down on the scale lately so I will see you guys tomorrow at the normal time and thanks for reading today's post and I'm sorry I'm hours late.

- Chris 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Super Girl (Season 3) TV Show Review

               Here is my Season 3 review of Super Girl and trust me not my last as I am darn well hooked still for some odd reason.I will get into that as you guys keep on reading on this post today. Now I know this season we saw no more Cat Grant but on the TV at the start of the season but I thought CatCo Worldwide Media was sold but then again Lena Luther bought it and James was like the CEO or the one that runs things in the office. Also saw the departure of Mon-El but of course Eric told me I could expect him back and boy he was right! Also when he came back his wife came back to the present day with him to help the DEO so it made for quite an interesting duo. Also Brainy aka Brainiac was a big help to them during the season. Also the 3 world enemies or whatever they were as this season was very recent as I just finished it yesterday actually but it slipped my mind. Well Pestilince was quite a pest and also Reign which I guessed right that Sam was Reign from the very start when they introduced her in the season. Also how they fought to get Sam back which they did and Reign returning one last time before she was killed at the end. Also we saw J'onn J'onn step down as the Director of the DEO and also Alex became the new director of the DEO. Also Winn left for the future with Mon-El and his wife. Oh I almost forgot to say I thought Kara's mom and dad died when Kryton exploded but she survived and on a planet.

               That is a small summary, of some of my favorite moments in the season and I definitely give this season another 10 out of 10 because it was full of action pack. Yes there was some really odd parts to the season but I am getting use to odd ends and outs of the show but still really enjoy it. Now the ending has given me that hook to continue and originally and I admit to saying it out of my mouth to my mom that I wasn't going to continue on with the series but hey I am hooked and I am going to continue on with the show even if it does get a bit odd. I am very fair with giving TV Shows a fair chance and I am usually like this where I am able to give it a shot. Either way another great season and now taking a bit of a break for a while so I can get Power Rangers Time Force going for another collaboration podcast in June which has priority right now. Don't worry probably by the fall I will start the 4th and 5th season and get caught up for the 6th season if they decide to do a 6th season. I get right through em very quickly but maybe by August I will be into Season 4 then followed by Season 5 but I shouldn't get too ahead of myself honestly.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Super Girl, Season 2 Review

                So I have been holding this off almost an entire week but here is my thoughts on Season 2 of Supergirl. I have my thoughts on this season of Super Girl and I kind of started to sense Cat the Media Mogul of CatCo was on her way out and James was going to take over.  It was honestly another good season and I didn't know the actor who played Mon-El is married to Melissa Benoist who plays Kara Danvers aka Super Girl. That I found out by researching it online. Anyways the one enemy, Live Wire was one weird character but seems to be a memorable one that's for sure. I love the fact they still did the intro up to the 3rd Season of the show which I will get to in another post which is for another day. The show still shows the same action pack as always and always exciting to watch and the more I watch, the more I am hooked even more. Now the end of the season was exciting not just cause Superman shows up at the end (Sorry spoilers to those who never seen the show.) Winn finally joining the DEO was really neat to see as he is after all a computer nerd in the show and knows a lot of things. Live Wire, her character is quite an interesting character that's for sure.

               Anyways I will give this season a 10 out of 10 once again and excited to do the 3rd review this weekend maybe Friday but again it will depend when I finish season 3 of Supergirl this week and see how things go but the 3rd season will be the most important thing to do right now before I start working on Power Rangers Time Force, but you guys know I will probably watch Season 4 but my mom told me it gets really weird but either way I still enjoy this and going to give it a shot one way or another. I don't mind the weirdness of some of the episodes but I am more for the action which is one of the reasons I do enjoy the show. However I will eventually catch up and get up to speed on things. Anyways I hope you enjoyed some of the highlights and my thoughts on the season and look forward to reviewing season 3 sometime this week or during the weekend.


Monday, March 2, 2020

What Do I Think of Super Girl, Season 1?

               For those who didn't know I have been watching Super Girl thanks to my mom and Eric got me into those. However, I got right into them from the get go and happy to say I really have enjoyed this first season. Right now I am into the second season of the series and cannot wait to do another post for it. Now I had mixed feelings about the character Cat Grant of Catco but she grew on me pretty fast during the series. However that is short lived with the second season but that is another post for another time. Anyways, I was pretty excited to see Superman at the start but he wasn't remotely involved till the 2nd season but I will get to that another time. This show really reminds me of characters of the TV Series Superman which we know they are planning to do a Superman and Lois Lane series down the road.  The music or sorry, the theme song to Super Girl has a catchy tune to it. Now back to the series, its is very, very exciting as a series, so much action and sometimes confusing what is going on but either way I do understand after the fact.

                 One thing that bothers me is the fact they go to be continued, however I have to realize that I borrowed the first 3 seasons of the show from Eric and I have the ability to actually watch them back to to back without stopping. Now season 4 is not out on DVD yet but I will get to watch it soon enough I am sure. Again we are getting way off topic honestly. Season 1 was really, really good and I enjoyed the first season. Now I get to work on Season 2 which I should be done this week and I will have another season review ready for you guys to read. I will give this season a 10 out of 10 as I really enjoyed the action from start to finish and honestly it makes want to watch more. I hope you enjoyed this little review, I know I was all over the place but hey it's really my first TV Review on here and I know there will be more down the road.
