Showing posts with label PRCB Podcast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PRCB Podcast. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2019

Semi-Retired From Streaming!

             I know you guys haven't seen me live for over a month now and it has been a long time since I've casted on my own channel and obviously still co-host after PRCB is recorded on the "After Dark's" however we haven't been live. So I guess at this moment, I am just semi-retired from Streaming minus the "After Darks" that I have done but again not sure what the plan is this week yet if I am planning to be on the podcast or not. More then likely am but we will see what this week brings but either way I still cast but it is more of a co-host but still its a cast. So it is a semi retirement but still active around the community and a big part of Punk Rock Cheeseburger. So I am not fully retired so technically the title I think is clickbait title... SMH! I honestly streaming is not as important but I do stream with Rocky on an almost week basis. My primary focus and always will be the podcasts and with Twitch being second on the list but like I said I am a Co-Host role more. As for the Chris985 account on Twitch, I only use it for listening to shows on Twitch on an almost regular basis and I do follow a ton of different people too.

           I think this is the best decision for me to not stream and plus I have been trolled left right and center on the website but letting it bother me no more and there is something planned for PRCB and I want to wait and yes Twitch is involved and like I said I am on weekly on PRCB and that's it. I am dedicated to being on his stream once a week and honestly I am happy about it. I mean not just happy but I am OK with this change and I wanted to try and get away from streaming a bit more and to be a co-host or guest on Rocky's stream, I am really happy with it. I know we haven't been streaming Friday night "After Dark's" as we both have been a bit busy lately but we are going to get back to it. As you can see on the screen cap I posted on the post here to the title of the post for today, I changed it as I am technically Semi-retired from streaming as I said above. Why did I do this? Well I think it is more suitable that it says that I am semi retired not fully retired from streaming. It was the wrong idea and honestly the original title felt very clickbait for a title. I honestly do not want to be know for being a click baiter so that is why I changed the title and very quickly. So that is what is going on with me streaming and that entire thing about me streaming even to FB Fan Page, more then likely it will not happen at all. 


Friday, October 25, 2019

What Is The Real Plan After Everything About Reality TV Ends?

            I know I have spoken about this before I was part of PRCB (Punk Rock Cheeseburger) Podcast that I would be taking a break from running my own Podcast and yes that is indeed the plan to take a break from running my own Podcast but there is now more to it now then there was 4 months ago when I made the first initial post about this way back and here is the plan:

  • To take a break from running my own podcast as it has taken a lot out of me honestly and I am quite exhausted from it still as I have been going non stop all the way up to September when I had a week to a week and half off which wasn't enough as you know I am planning to take a bit of a extended break unless Amazing Race 32 comes on in the New Year but I highly doubt it but we will have to wait and see
  • I will be continuing on with the Power Rangers Podcast as I or Larry have no plans on stopping that podcast right now as it has become a very popular podcast on my website only and has done extremely well over the course of the last year. 
  • The next point I would like to make is I am going to continue to be involved with Punk Rock Cheeseburger Podcast each week so I am still podcasting but I am involved both Behind The Scenes, Co-Owner role and also as the Co-Host as the podcast so you can still expect to hear me on the podcast every week with the odd week off from to time.
  • Also I want to continue on going to events with my dad and blogging about it. I also want to do a food reviews as they come as I have really enjoyed doing them and there is some coming up in January with Larry and I.
  • Finally, I would like to say this, you probably can start seeing me stream a bit more on Twitch but PRCB, Collab Podcasts and the website/blog will still be a priority to me but I hope to eventually start streaming and hopefully gaining some new listeners and start re-building my fan base once again for you guys.

                   So there is the plan on what I want to do with myself after my podcast is finished it's what has become an amazing run and there will be other projects that I am sure I am going to involved with and I got more plans then you know it as I have spoken to individuals about stuff and we will be working on that but that will be definitely in the very nearby future. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Collab Coming Out Today & Power Rangers Collab Podcast Updates!

                Originally this was suppose to be out last night but we ended up holding off as the editing is taking longer then usual. It is more of a scheduling conflict this time around and it is not a procrastinating issue this time around. So it is different from that this time around. The last couple of weeks has been extremely busy for me and especially the last couple of days since recording the collab with Rocky. However it will be up today at some point and aiming for the afternoon. I need to get the collab page set for the new episode to go up as it needs to be setup on a new line and sometimes the code on this website can go funny at times where the text will go smaller then usual. Also I apologize for taking the initial announcement down yesterday because I did not want to falsely advertise that it is going up and that is not like me. I am aiming for this afternoon to actually posting it up as I think I will have enough time between now and the time I want to put it up so I am in good and I aiming around 8 or 9 pm EST to having the collab out as I need to get ready for Survivor: Island of The Idols which that podcast comes out tomorrow so I need to definitely step up my A-Game right now and get things out. If anything changes I will definitely let you guys know on social media if I do need a bit more time but I have been up nearly 12 hours now and no rest for me whatsoever. 

                  Now that the collab I did on the weekend is out of the way, I want to talk about Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as you all know it has been very, very quiet recently and as you know the studio will be undergoing some renovations to the walls and some major cleanup around the studio as well. That is only half of the issue at hand as this weekend both Larry and I will be together for the day and this weekend we were suppose to record the collaboration this weekend, however at this moment that is not happening as I am currently half way finished with the two seasons I am watching right now. I am at the tail end of the Lost Galaxy season so I am getting close to the finish officially. Once that is done I move right into Lightspeed Rescue, however with the renovations coming up, I am not sure when we will be sitting down and recording right now. This is why we will be sitting down this weekend and we will be discussing when it will happen and maybe a timeline to when it will happen. I am questioning if I can finish by end of the month and we record at the end of October before one of the boom arms is removed temporarily while the reno is happening and I will be using the second mic as I am storing away the the condenser mic so it is not damaged during the renovations so I should know more by Sunday and by Monday will be making the announcement to when to expect recording to commence again. I apologize for the inconvenience but the renovation is a priority if we wanna improve the setup here in the studio. 
