Showing posts with label patience is a Virtue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patience is a Virtue. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Patience is a Virtue!

          Patience this year has been lacklustre and something I need to work on. What do I mean by this? I was feeling very impatient with the lack of interview requests and I know this by now, it takes 1 request to start getting a pile of requests which has happened with Entertainment Man Podcast so the next several weeks I will be the interviewer once again which I love doing, it is the conversation that I love to have with other people and learned so much from people that has helped me as a person. 

          However this is the big thing I need to work on is patience and something I have struggled with for a very, very long time. Like the saying goes, patience is indeed a virtue and something I need to remember with those exact words. With the stress I am going through not with just my team but also with personally. Also finally the stress of the workload but I have to remember "eye on the prize" cause I get through this hurdle, we head into the next hurdle which I know I can do this. Just gotta be a little patient and get through one day at a time. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I Have To Work On My Patience and Problem Solve Better

              There is a certain level I can tolerate with my patience level but if my patience is pushed then you will see a side of me that you do not want to say. Yes I am speaking about the future of Power Rangers Podcast, there will be 2 different press releases eventually and I am just not ready to announce it publicly as of yet. Yes my patience has been tested with the future of the Power Rangers Podcast however, things changed very, very quickly and again I am just eager to announce it eventually. However I still have to work on my patience but honestly I feel like it is getting better, however, some things I can and cannot tolerate and what I honestly think, there is a certain extent to where the patience will not be as patient if that makes any sense to you honestly. Let me put it this way, if it goes beyond my patience then there is nothing I can really do. There is hell to pay and that has been shown in the past from the Power Rangers Podcast to dealing with my phone company well that really pushed me over the edge and trust me you didn't wanna hear the language out of my mouth last night. I had quite the sailors mouth as the saying goes but there is a certain level, I need to watch my P's and Q's tho as that could and can get me and my mouth into trouble. Anyways I should of not lost my cool because I wasn't patient enough to fix the issue with charger which I have now replaced but one other unit the plug itself has to be replaced. I should of been a bit more patient and not take it out on them. Anyways moving forward I need to problem solve before going nuts on someone.

                 There is a bit more to work in the way of patience and also problem solving but I can be honest I have gotten indeed better at problem solving now but just gotta keep it up. I cannot back down on improving myself from here on out, just gotta keep working hard to better myself as a human being and I know it takes time and it cannot happen overnight technically but in time it will definitely happen. The problem solving I do find myself doing a lot more of and it is getting better but still needs some work. However my patience with the podcast has gotten better and gotten patient with the editing side of things but sometimes the technical side of things are not great from time to time but able to trouble shoot the problem.   Working hard to these goals and know if I keep my mind in the game, I can do it.


Friday, July 6, 2018

You Need Patience With Podcasting

             I had a moment last week, where I was ready to give up on podcasting, I had no views on my podcast whatsoever and I was ready to just close up shop but come the next day the views came in and I was like whoa. I even checked it out this and I had more and I have to realize, I need to be patient with podcasts as it is indeed summer time and people are going to be outside till almost dusk basking in the sun and enjoying the nice weather, well hot weather here in Ontario technically but you guys know what I mean by that anyways. I need to realize not everyone will see my tweet or message out to everyone that an new episode is up as again, people have lives too. 

                I know I get the good viewership each and every episode that goes up and Amazing Race Canada  Heroes Edition did well yet again. You guys again this season have graced my presence with nothing but positive feedback and listening to polls. I know sometimes I am not a very patient person but I am working harder to be more patient and I shown it not only with podcasting but with the re-build of which this is probably the only time you will hear me mention that problematic website. 

                 Anyways the other thing and last things I want to mention in today's blog post is the fact you need to be patient, especially when you are having Audio or Video issues, you need to remain patient, calm and cool and trouble shoot the problem at hand and you will get through the problem or problems. Also with editing the Audio ONLY side of things, you sure as heck need to remain patient with editing, it is a very long process with editing, especially the Big Brother Recaps which tend to run a bit longer then any of the other podcasts I do on Everything About Reality TV so remember, patience is key or patience is a virtue, because it will get you through all the stress. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I Need To Be More Patient With Everything!

           I know I am a very inpatient person at time, especially right now with the recent website delay of the rebuild and i know it feels like a freakin month which I believe it is close to a month now since I initiated the site to make a return. The part that takes forever is the amount of the podcast episodes I have done in a very, very short time. I know you guys know I am very heavily involved with the operations of both Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show, well you know I am the Executive Producer of both podcasts, so I have a heavy say what goes on. 

          I know I have been hyping up the return of the website quite a lot and teasing you guys with opening the site partially to give you all an idea what it is going to look like with the new Grey Background of the website. I have had a bit of help but with them recently quitting, I am now back on my own to do all the dirty work of the website.  I know it is quite a lot going on with both the podcasting and blogging world between working on the site, but i have to realize, the blogs and podcasts come first as content is what keeps you guys happy and content each and everyday and you love to hear what I think of things and trust me over the next 2 days, I got 2 great blog posts that have to tie into this topic today. 

          Yes I have to be patient through this very, very long process of building the website, there will be coding, then testing, coding, more testing, its a repetitive process and i wish I can launch one page at a time but I rather have a fully re-built website before I actually launch but yes I started to tease you guys with the website open a tad. I am giving you guys a taste. But patience is very essential this time around as I probably have mentioned on Social Media, the Late Winter/Spring are the busiest times on the year for me in the way of podcasting as I not only cover the actual episodes of Big Brother Canada but the live feeds as well, so I am working double shift 16 - 18 hours of everyday and sometimes it is hard to sleep at night too but podcasts and the blog posts come first in my books before the site being fixed up but I am working hard on the site, it will take sometime but I gotta remember, Patience is a Virtue or slow and steady wins the race (Even though I am not racing to get it done!) 


Wednesday, May 31, 2017


                I really never talked about this in the past on this blog, but I am today on this blog post. Sometimes when things are going very wrong for you, you gotta be patient and wait at the right time to make the right moves is a prime example, like now I am primarily doing Audio ONLY but down the line you never know if I will bring it back to Video platform again in the near future? You never know but right now the Audio ONLY has become a success from the get go, since September 22nd, 2016 when I took off on this podcast journey on Audio ONLY. Then building up to Stitcher that took patience after submitting to be on there, same with but I got there and took nothing but patience for a response whether I was accepted into those platforms or not but I was, I managed to get onto that platform no problem at all and I have my patience to thank for that. Some people are patient at certain things and I admit I am not totally patient with everything and my team towards the end of the time I had a team left but they were kind of pushing it. 

               Now on that topic, it wasn't easy having a team even back in the old The Video Projects Team days I was patient to a point until my team decided to push my buttons that was where I drew the line with things then I would have to take appropriate action and deal with it accordingly. Even at the end of the run for Team Chris B On The Web patience was getting limited asking my team to do one simple thing over and over again and waiting months for something to be done that really ticked me off because I don't like to wait I'm a doer  not a waiter, I know that made no sense whatsoever.  Same with the suppose CBOTW Gamers Podcast I had a host lined up but waiting for them to get back onto Twitter and it took em 5 months and still never was done, if they never got suspended non of this would of happened and they would be underway to be hosting yet another great podcast on Chris B On The Web &

                 But now I am very patient and using my problem solving skills and deciding what works for me and what doesn't work for me and it has helped out so far and this is now my second week on my own, was like a couple of days before Big Brother Canada 5 finale came around. But I think I have started to become very patient with things and figuring out and problem solving and there is a lot of things I would like to fix and it will happen slowly but surely! The saying goes, patience is a virtue!

Have a great Wednesday!
