Sunday, August 28, 2016

Justice System & Goverment In Canada

I have been a Canadian all my life and I have noticed that our justice system in Canada isn't overly the greatest.... Someone gets murdered they are out in 10 - 15 years... If we actually voted in our Judges it wouldn't be as messed up as it has been recently. Seems anyone who actually gets put into jail for major crime is out... I know Paul Bernardo is still in prison for his crime but his partner she's out, so as you can see our justice system isn't greatest but can be effective at certain times... Again we should vote in our Judges this way there wouldn't be this in effectiveness in the Justice system here in Canada. That is my little spit on the justice in Canada, I know it isn't much but its my thoughts about the situation in our system here.

Now goverment wise, I am not happy one bit! Yes not one bit! One our Prime Minister wants to legalize marijuana, 2 I am sure our taxes are going to go up... Ontario the Premier she wanted to cut out or cut down my disability pension which I wasn't happy with... Now she is giving me more money?! Like what the heck?! I am not one bit happy with her because she cannot make up her mind what she wants to do. One thing that is good is family's with low income family's will get more money which is good... I shouldn't complain about getting more money... LOL I should be entirely happy about this! 

Have a great night guys,


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Staff Been Updated

I haven't posted in a while as I have been busy with rebuilding the entire YouTube channel and figuring out things for the plans and dealing with a entire hacked channel which was deleted and unrecoverable at the time but I am working hard at it and almost near completed already! 

Anyways, I have removed Staff that aren't being active and we will not be coding a new chat at all the person who was suppose to do that cut off communication with me so they were let go and life goes on. I got discord if the fans wanna connect with me outside Twitch, YouTube and Twitter! I have also added 1o1Adam to help me maintain the bot and my gaming channel on Also re hired Sarah to help with the set stuff as Justin lives 45 minutes from me and it would be hard for him to be down here all the time... So she will be picking up his slack a bit more and he will maybe lead the set stuff and he will be involved with the bigger projects along with Sarah it will be quite the dream team.

I am very happy to have these 3 involved and excited for the future projects I have instored for the channel and rebuilding my CBOTW Community and also maintaining and having fun in the same way.

Till Next Time,


Monday, June 27, 2016

Website Down & Updates!

Well after few months of having site issues, I got confirmation that the nameservers wasnt pointed to the domain, so that was the entire issue, not 000webhost, so I am setting things up again and will get them to point to the right server again and site should be back online by Wednesday. Will work on the site in the back end today and tomorrow. 

Anyways I have been busy with site issues lately, family some personal issue, also had 2 days of training for First Aid/CPR so life is gotten in the way of my Online life but I ensure you I am back online now and trying to fix all the screw ups I have made with the website! Plus the BB18 Recap Podcast and the Amazing Race Canada Preview Podcast! So I got a bit of work ahead of me. Now I made a decision to keep the Podcast Pre-Recorded for now and yes I got another YouTube Channel but no content it is mainly used to comment on videos and what not... I am still active within the community but just as a viewer. My views on YouTube haven't changed and I am still doing Audio Podcasts and eventually sometime this week I will be back to Twitch fully for streams which I am actually excited about as I love to still do gaming streams. With the help of @1o1Adam on Twitter an old friend, he has been helping me technically with everything! So thank you Adam! Anyways today is about to begin for me, have a great day, be safe, do not work too hard if you work and I will talk to you guys soon!


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Changes and Twitter

Now first of all I havent posted up a blog in quite sometime as a lot has happened. First Twitter: Got into an arguement on Twitter and the next thing I know they are disliking my videos for no apparent reason so I decided thats it if people are going to be hateful I do not want anything to do with YouTube. Been dragged on long enough to the hate so I am now mainly focusing on Podcasting within and I will be adding Live Broadcasts via Ustream in the near future. Noticed in the last few days several people are unfollowing and refollowing so I will not tolerate that and just will not be following them anymore, simple as that.

Now today is Day 1 of 2 days of First Aid CPR training and I am very very excited but nervous in the same way but I am learning something new in the same way so it will be be fun. If I do not talk to you guys by end of the week I will write another blog by Saturday.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miss Broadcasting....

I sure as hell miss broadcasting and haven't casted in over a year since me being banned at JustcastLive.TV. Just lost interest and plus banned on Vaughnlive, IVlog and YouLiveNow, I got nowhere to go at this point of time. Except Hangouts which I do not wanna go live much due to the fact it goes over to my YouTube channel so I am not live as much as I wanna be with my spare time... Facebook Live has sprung up so maybe a few smaller casts via my cell here and there but other then that its only me recording on Hangouts when scheduled. Right now I am on the Off Peak Season and awaiting for the next season. So I am extremely bored. 

Now all of you guys are going to ask me what about gaming? Hitbox? Twitch? Well Twitch I got Strike 3 with them, so I am now banned from the site, well my account but I will not be making a new account and a few people I do not like and were extremely rude., well according to a few on Twitter a lot of drama and thats not what I am about, I am about having fun., I was hacked again and again, so I have given up on them. Finally hitbox, I am having troubled staying on air no matter how I change the resolution, bitrate, frame rate it will knock me off the air so Hitbox is pretty well shitbox... 

I'd like to cast again but like I said I am banned from pretty well every site, I do not like UStream/LiveStream at all, Ustream's chat sucks and a banned user doesn't stay banned which sucks! It is only 24 hours. Livestream you gotta apply which is for free for more viewers but been denied it many many times and to get listed which is utter crap!


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Was The Entertainment Man Talk Show A Quit?

Obviously I am writing this on the train heading home from my day trip in Toronto. Now you all are wondering after the struggle in the last year and a half with the series, was it a quit? Well yes... I had no other choice to end it or in your view as a reader of the blog, it was a quit. Now reason behind it was the struggle with the staff drama it just drove me absolutely nuts. Once Larry quit I did have an alternate plan which was Eric until he quit on me officially over me having odd feelings and concerns. Then the icing on the cake was Sarah getting fired a day or so after hiring her on as staff of my website. So the answer to the series ending abruptly is yes it was a quit and I have no regrets whatsoever at all of it ending and with me walking away. Made the final decision for me and me only.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

1000 Blog Views! and Climbing!

First I ever thought, this blog wouldn't get any views at all.... But nooo over the course of having this blog December 26th, 2015 of last year which isn't that long ago pretty much almost 6 months to be exact I have reached 1053 views, maybe more then I thought. But I am very very proud of how hard I worked on the website, the blog and YouTube all in one shot... I don't blog daily but sometimes a few times a week, but hope to start blogging more as Everything About Reality TV is closing down for 2 weeks before the summer season starts up. But anyways I am not one to give up on what I believe with this website.... I may of lost Eric, Sarah and Larry but Larry has given me insight on what I should do with the channel and that I should focus on Everything About Reality TV more and I am just going to do that... In between obviously working on The Entertainment Man Talk Show Finale I am busy as ever can be... 

One thing I remember I got very little in views at the start, but climbed to double digits as I went on... The most I think I had once was the blog post entitled Done With Ex Girlfriends....  My blog is for daily rants, or thoughts of the day and I want to do more with this blog and going to make 10 - 15 minutes of my time and blog more cause I wanna write what I am feeling and it seems to help me bring out my thoughts and ideas as well!

Again Thank you to you all for the love and support over the last while, I am greatly appreciative of all your support over this long span of time.
