Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Changes. Show all posts

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Studio Updates Are Coming!

              As I probably have heard through social media, this studio is an appalling mess right now with holes and is in need of dire renovations. I have spoken to my uncle and he has actually recommended wood board which probably even better then drywall and at a more of a reasonable price to get done and I do not know if I am able to paint it but it wouldn't matter as the studio is in the basement. Also as you know my desk is need of a bit of refurbishing and going to add on the top to make it bigger desk top and trust me it was be a very strong desk once we fix things up. I also think there will a hole for wires to go through as it will be easier and the wiring below right now it is a mess which that will also be changed up as well. It's  friggin mess underneath. Also may as well mention this as well there will be a shelf build underneath for the tower but it will have to be definitely build to hold it up as it isn't light as it has all the stuff inside it. Also this week, I am getting a new chair as this chair is definition of broken... Another blog post for another day. 

                I really am not sure what else to say but once the desk is built, I am planning to do the rotation once the walls are repaired as well but again that probably will not be till next year at sometime but once that is done, the desk will be rotated around and the whiteboard will be moved around the desk will be against the south wall. I am not sure where the white board is going at this moment and also I want to add into the studio is a cork board as well to hanging up pictures my niece and nephew have made for me in the past years just hopefully I can end up putting everything I want but beggers cannot be choosers.  On tomorrow's blog post I will be discussing the podcast setup with the microphones and yes I said microphones and also the mixer and basically the setup for the podcast and the way we are planning on getting the setup done. I do want to change the way the things are setup for the podcast and yes I will be mentioning and bringing up the other microphone. 


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What Would I Do Different If I Was Still On YouTube?

              The question for today's blog is would I do something different if I were on YouTube still? Well yes and no. There is a few things I could of changed and here are what I could change if I remained on YouTube:

1) More then likely put The Entertainment Man Talk Show Off Air as the views went down at the end and the ideas went dead as I felt like they were stale so I think I could of ended the series. 

2) I would of done Everything About Reality TV on YouTube full time and probably keep on Vlogging on the main channel yes, I would do a separate channel for the podcast alone.  Or I could of kept on doing Vlogging and do the Podcast on Audio ONLY as it is to this very time of day.

3) Vlogs, I may of decided to downgrade it to Monday through Friday, not 7 days a week like I had it originally. With vlogging on Sundays if something good was happening.

4) Probably turn it into a Family Friendly content channel as I would of had to obey the new TOS and also the Advertiser friendly guidelines as it changed very, very quickly after I left the platform entirely as we know mass chaos endured! 

                      So yes I would change things as I left not in the best terms with the platform and no notice to you guys my fans but I gain a lot of respect and trust back after festering up on leaving YouTube and not letting you guys I was planning to leave the platform or what was going on. That I could of changed as well. I should let you know of the change and I think I am actually getting better at it too right now.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017, A Year In Review!

              So here is my own year in review and what I thought of this year alone. I thought honestly, this year was an interesting year. Full of drama, friendships gone, people turning on me but I can say this year has been a productive year for me as I have been very much active with Chris B On The Web and I admit, this year is a year of change and I am quite happy with what went on this year. 

                This year saw a whole pile of changes that went on from the CBOTW Staff being dissolved entirely was the best move I have made as I became a happier person and trust me I have gotten so much work done in the entire year including the anticipation of the upcoming road to the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV which is close but will obviously not happen this year but I pushed the envelope to hopefully get to it or at least get close to the 100th episode. Well 9 episodes to go, I am going into 2018 with the intention of recording the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV and I am excited for it. Also I started making plans to start collaborating with friends and fans of Chris B On The Web and I executed the plan in 2018 to start collaborating and now you guys know and I know what the plan is as I blogged about it recently and it will be an exciting upcoming year! This year, I wanted to focus on podcasts and blog posts and the events I go to each and every year! Speaking of events, I decided not to return to the Greek Festival due to it being so busy, being pushed around and people telling me off when they were in my way. Also this is the first time in 2 years I decided to not to go to the Autism Celebration and part of the reason, as I ran out of money and there was so hassle in 2016. But I do or would like to go back but not entirely 100% sure if I will be back. Just recently I kind of was thinking, I am going to give my spot to someone else, I have been doing this for years on end, but don't get me wrong, I enjoyed going each and every year and if I was to go back, I have a few ideas in my mind if I do plan on going back. Also I made the decision to allow Larry into the blog as an alumni but we haven't seen him blog yet but he will be soon enough.  Also I saw the growth of both social media's, Facebook Group & Twitter for Chris B On The Web, almost 3200 followers on Twitter and currently standing on the Facebook group 33 members strong! The CBOTW Army is growing and growing fast!

               This year was a very productive and busy year for me and trust me you have not seen nothing yet and no I am not quoting the song lyrics from the song but I am very content what went on this year and I looking forward to 2018 and what is to come for Chris B On The Web. Have a Safe and Happy New Year and be sure to lookout for my New Years Post on New Years Day.


Saturday, April 29, 2017

YouTube Advertisers Pulling Out, YouTubers Losing Revenue!

           I have holding back with this blog post for a while now as I wasn't sure how to write this blog out or how to word this blog post but as most of you know YouTube has not been doing overly well since I left the platform at the end of June with the change of the TOS (Terms of Service) and their policies has changed drastically especially when it comes to the YouTuber's that earn revenue from their videos the terms are so much different since I departed from YouTube almost an year ago. One change if you very bad language then you will be demonetized, same with talking about very touchy subjects like issues going on in the world  such as depression as an example of why YouTube will not allow it. Even with all these new terms of service a lot of big name YouTubers has lost revenue on their videos and it is a shame too because YouTubers like him put his time and a lot of effort into the videos yet they are getting demonetized? Even with cursing... Like come on! It was never like that when I was still part of the community, I never got demonetized cursing even if I added the bleep sound into it. It is truly sad to see how the platform has turned out. I understand the not ad friendly part of it but what happened to freedom of speech and content creators now gotta be careful what they say

             Just recently the advertisers have pulled their ads from videos on YouTube which obviously means YouTubers will not be getting as much revenue from their videos as they were getting before which means a lot of YouTubers have moved to to vlog or lifecast their lives now.  I never had anything to back myself out on if YouTube continued these ways so you can see Twitch growing as a community very very quickly if YouTubers continue to move to It is sad to see such a great platform like YouTube go down the drain in the way of revenue and it hurts the great content creators out there and a lot of YouTubers are upset and I saw one vlogging group leave end of last year and I have noticed a lot of people have left the platform. All I know change has to happen if YouTube is to continue on the right path to success. 

Have a great day!
